“After worst evening of flinging his own poop on record, local zookeepers hopeful chimpanzee will read etiquette book left in cage.” https://t.co/kzWfSUPguJ
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) October 1, 2020
From tonight’s focus group of 2016 Trump-voting women:
— Sarah Longwell (@SarahLongwell25) October 1, 2020
“There’s no sugar-coating it: Whatever Donald Trump was trying to do last night backfired with this group spectacularly.” https://t.co/eyHFb2nFgW
Trump Claims He Beat Biden So Badly In Debate That Biden Is "Canceling The [Other] Debates"The virus is not going away. I cannot believe we are still losing a *thousand* people on a bad day seven months into this. https://t.co/pe0j3R4RpG
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) October 1, 2020
President Trump on Wednesday told a large campaign rally in Duluth, Minnesota, that he defeated Joe Biden during the first presidential debate."Joe Biden is too weak to lead this country. You know Biden lost badly when his supporters are saying he should cancel the rest of the debates," Trump said about Tuesday night's battle.The acrimonious debate in Cleveland was ridden with insults and interruptions and Trump told the crowd moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News was overly deferential to Biden."I was debating two people last night," Trump said at the rally, again knocking Wallace . . .Trump boasted of the debate's 73 million TV viewers . . ."Liberal media is upset that I took the fight to Biden and exposed his very dangerous agenda. Arson is OK, but challenging Sleepy Joe is totally off limits. . . . Now I understand he's canceling the debates, let's see what happens. I think that's not going to be a good move."
Trump holds airport rallies because he can't travel through the protests of angry people.
— SallyYatesWasRight (@WasYates) October 1, 2020
"Now I understand he's canceling the debates" -- Trump is just totally making stuff up. Biden has not canceled either of the two remaining debates. pic.twitter.com/rmWE1dkpay
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"What are they gonna do when in 8, 12, maybe 16 years I say, 'let's hang it up'? 16 more years." -- Trump muses about serving four more terms pic.twitter.com/rKB3sUM98a
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"Mexico is paying for it. You do know that, right? They keep saying -- t is going to be a border charge at the border." -- this is a lie. Mexico is not paying for Trump's border wall. pic.twitter.com/9sw1SRGEM8
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
A Perfect Trump ParodyTrump mocks Biden for taking public health precautions to prevent his campaign events from becoming coronavirus superspreader events pic.twitter.com/6OZGS0fmMX
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"A man came up to me. A tough man. A man who -- a worker, a construction worker. Real worker, and he looked at me -- this is two years ago -- he said, 'Sir, you have given us back our life.' And he was crying." -- Trump pic.twitter.com/jPJlSVkjeX
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
This stuff that Trump is saying taking credit for "opening up the Iron Range" is completely made up. He's celebrating an event that didn't happen. pic.twitter.com/rEilJxvoPG
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp" -- Speaking in a state with one of the largest Somali populations in the country, Trump goads his fans into booing refugees, prompting "lock her up!" chants directed at Ilhan Omar pic.twitter.com/dT2yuHxFDZ
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"I'm not doing well in the suburbs. Are you people crazy" -- Trump pic.twitter.com/KtF7tedugK
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
LOL -- Trump claims (absurdly) that Biden will destroy the suburbs by "abolishing single-family zoning" pic.twitter.com/IyblGkivwW
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"They covered one story, it was about rain ... these people are sick" -- Trump tells a story about how he watched NBC News with Melania looking for coverage of his Nobel nominations, but instead they were covering a hurricane in Florida. This is supposed to be an attack on NBC. pic.twitter.com/n8p1rZhP95
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
"But if we don't win, I'm never calling you great again" -- Trump's closing pitch to voters in Duluth, MN pic.twitter.com/vTD5VfEoAK
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
Fact check: The unemployment rate in Minnesota has increased by about 50 percent since Trump took office pic.twitter.com/z6u0sp3pxG
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 1, 2020
Every day I think I can't despise him more. Every day, I can
— Liz Vermeersch (@elvermeersch) October 1, 2020
“I’m talking about the President. The one who called your wife ugly!” 💀 pic.twitter.com/tNTWuw6sRs
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) October 1, 2020
As far as acting like a petulant, tantrum-throwing baby:
Chris Wallace: We're going to go to the next segment. In that segment, you each are going to have two uninterrupted moments. In those two interrupted minutes, Mr. President, you can say anything you want. . . . But I think that the country would be better served, if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions. I'm appealing to you, sir, to do that.
Donald J. Trump: Well, and him too.
Chris Wallace: Well, frankly, you've been doing more interrupting than he has.
Donald J. Trump: Well, that's all right, but he does plenty.
Chris Wallace: Well, sir, less than-
Donald J. Trump: He does plenty.
. . .
Joe Biden: The fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie. I'm not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he's a liar.
Donald J. Trump: But you agree. Joe, you're the liar. You graduated last in your class not first in your class.
Joe Biden: God, I want to make sure-
Chris Wallace: Mr. President, can you let him finish, sir?
Joe Biden: No, he doesn't know how to do that.
Donald J. Trump: You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised. Go ahead, Joe.
Joe Biden: The wrong guy, the wrong night, at the wrong time.
Donald J. Trump: Listen, you agreed with Bernie Sanders and the manifesto.
Joe Biden: There is no manifesto, number one.
Chris Wallace: Please let him speak, Mr. President.
Joe Biden: Number two.
Donald J. Trump: He just lost the left.
Joe Biden: Number two.
Donald J. Trump: You just lost the left. You agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan that you absolutely agreed to and under that plan . . . they call it socialized medicine.
Chris Wallace: Mr. President. . . .
. . .
Joe Biden: The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You're voting now. Vote and let your Senators know strongly how you feel.
Donald J. Trump: Are you going to pack the court?
Joe Biden: Vote now.
Donald J. Trump: Are you going to pack the court?
Joe Biden: Make sure you, in fact, let people know, your Senators.
Donald J. Trump: He doesn't want to answer the question.
Joe Biden: I'm not going to answer the question.
Donald J. Trump: Why wouldn't you answer that question? You want to put a lot of new Supreme Court Justices. Radical left.
Joe Biden: Will you shut up, man?
Donald J. Trump: Listen, who is on your list, Joe? Who's on your list?
Chris Wallace: Gentlemen, I think we've ended this-
Joe Biden: This is so un-Presidential.
Donald J. Trump: He's going to pack the court. He is not going to give a list.
Chris Wallace: We have ended the segment. We're going to move on to the second segment.
Joe Biden: That was really a productive segment, wasn't it? Keep yapping, man.
Donald J. Trump: The people understand, Joe.
Joe Biden: They sure do.