Donald Trump: "Rudy Giuliani Is A Great Patriot"
Michael Cohen: "Rudy Is An Idiot And He Drinks Too Much"
Trump on Fox: “Rudy Giuliani is a great patriot, he does these things, he just loves this country, and they raid his apartment. It’s like, so unfair, and such a double standard ... like I don’t think anybody’s ever seen before.... I don’t know what they’re looking for”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 29, 2021
Michael Cohen on the Rudy Giuliani raid and confiscation: "Who knows what's on Rudy's computer and phone, and who knows how expansive this investigation will be. Rudy is an idiot, he drinks too much, and he behaves in an erratic manner ... "
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) April 29, 2021
Giuliani investigation has exploded: Feds confiscated his phone, seized a computer from aide and subpoenaed her for grand-jury testimony, and raided the home of his associate, Victoria Toensing
— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) April 28, 2021
Rudy Giuliani tells Tucker Carlson that he offered FBI agents Hunter Biden's hard drives while they raided his residence, but they wouldn't take them
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
In the history of things that never happened, this never happened the most.
— mickael lemelin (@ti_mickou) April 30, 2021
I did the same thing when the FBI raided my house.
— 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕙 𝔹𝕌ℕ𝕂𝔹𝔼𝔻 (@TBunkbed) April 30, 2021
The mental picture this evokes--Rudy just holding a couple detached hard drives in his hands, pleading with FBI agents to take those instead--is comedic gold.
— 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖 (@world_is_alive) April 30, 2021
Someone should line up a hard drive, a motherboard and a memory stick and ask Rudy to ID the hard drive.
— MNKayak (@ppjvpp) April 30, 2021
1. Why would Rudy have Hunter's hard drives? The only people who have legal rights to them are Hunter, the FBI, or someone he gave them to. Rudy is none of those. So he stole them.
— OscarJustTheFACTS (@facts_oscar) April 30, 2021
2. If he thought Hunter had committed a crime, why hadn't he turned them over to the FBI already?
Does Giuliani know that possession of child pornography is a felony? And the the computer repair store owner is guilty of transferring child pornography? It was Giuliani that claimed Hunter Biden's laptop contained it and now it's in his possession illegally.
— Bionca-Lori (@BioncaLori) April 30, 2021
Rudy Giuliani invoked Hunter Biden’s name so many times, he accidentally refers to Tucker as Hunter here
— Acyn (@Acyn) April 30, 2021
Giuliani: They also got it from the icloud *gestures upwards*
— Acyn (@Acyn) April 30, 2021
literally the first words out of Tucker Carlson's mouth after the Giuliani interview ended were "Hunter Biden"
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
And he did it anyway....
— Morgan Fairchild (@morgfair) May 1, 2021
I Say "Allowing (And Enjoying) The Deaths Of 500,000+ Americans"
Tim Scott claims Trump called him today and "believe it or not" talked to him about "how to make progress for the most vulnerable." #dohkay
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
(And Repeatedly Butt-Dialed Reporters, Allowing Them To Listen To Him Committing Crimes)
Rudy Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens
— - – —• Kelley •— – - (@andreagail_k) April 30, 2021
Rudy Giuliani needed Apple genius help to unlock his iPhone after being named Trump cybersecurity adviser!
Burnett: You need probably cause to get a warrant
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) April 29, 2021
A. Giuliani: Only a corrupt Obama judge would sign it. No other judge would sign it.
Burnett: Do you have proof no other judge would sign?
A. Giuliani: No. Do YOU have any?
Question: Would your father turn on Trump to protect himself?
— Acyn (@Acyn) April 29, 2021
Giuliani: I can’t believe I’m answering something from Michael Cohen. I mean.. *nervous laugh* no. He has... There is... I don’t really know how to respond to this because it’s a theoretical...
As @MollyJongFast said, "corporate daycare" is not a thing
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
sitting very strongly
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
Why does it always look like Trump is sitting taking a dump?
— BeddaSiciliana (@bedasiciliana2) August 13, 2020
Is it me? Or is every pic of Trump sitting, looks like he's taking a long dump on the toilet?
— Michael Avila (@AtomicKnight) July 20, 2017
Quick! What do you notice first?
— Mystery Solvent (@MysterySolvent) August 21, 2019
"And then they did dumps. They call them dumps, big, massive dumps, in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and all over." -- Donald J. Trump, on dumps
— Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) November 30, 2020
based on this town hall you'd think making sure that people who refuse to take the Covid vaccine aren't inconvenienced is the most pressing issue facing the country right now
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
is Biden making the economy *too* good?
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
did she really pose a question to all white men about systemic racism in America?
— kendis (@kendisgibson) April 30, 2021
Hannity is bravely covering the biggest story of our tumultuous times
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
This is a really funny compilation of similar attempts
— Helen Kennedy (@HelenKennedy) April 30, 2021
The Race Experts™
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 30, 2021
How can you accuse Fox News of racism when they’re perfectly willing to let a black man appear in their chyron?
— Pool Ladder, MD (@_ladder_MD) April 30, 2021