Well, guess the fuck what?
A White House official has admitted to the Washington Post that Donald Trump is making sure "red" states like Florida get all the coronavirus personal protective gear that they have requested, while denying essential equipment to "blue" states (like New York, which Trump has no chance of winning).
The federal response to this pandemic is based on Donald Trump's re-election campaign needs.WOW.— Doug Gordon (@dgordon52) March 31, 2020
White House admits that it is allocating aid based off of which states matter to Trump's re-election.
This is criminal. https://t.co/dmyn7dLBGx pic.twitter.com/rfoQi6xvAS
I'm dreaming, but what if the media sank its teeth into this and did not let go? What if every single question posed to Trump tomorrow was about this report?
Officials in Florida have pointed to the close relationship between [Republican Governor Ron] DeSantis and Trump as a helpful tool in shaping federal policy. The two speak almost daily. Trump has formed an especially close relationship with DeSantis, a former congressman whose pugilistic defenses of the president helped him secure a race-changing endorsement in his 2018 bid for governor. Trump will probably need the 29 electoral votes of his adopted homestead to win reelection.Check out what happened last Saturday. DeSantis called Trump and complained that people with the coronavirus were traveling from New York to Florida. (Sure, that makes sense. I know anytime I'm running a fever and coughing and having trouble breathing, I find the best thing to do is get in my car and drive 1,200 miles for no reason.) Anyhoo, Trump hung up and immediately tweeted that he was considering a quarantine for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as a punishment, I guess. (He ultimately decided against it.)
One White House official said Trump is attuned to the electoral importance of Florida in November, giving added weight to the arguments DeSantis has made to the administration that his state's economy should reopen as soon as possible. ... Three days after requesting 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators and other equipment on March 11, Florida received all of the items. The state received an additional shipment less than two weeks later. As of late last week, it was awaiting a third shipment.The official added: "The president knows Florida is so important for his reelection ... He pays close attention to what Florida wants."
"White House economists published a study last September that warned a pandemic disease could kill a half million Americans and devastate the economy. It went unheeded inside the administration." https://t.co/voQ0FV2Wp7— Carl Zimmer (@carlzimmer) April 1, 2020
This is happening right out in the open now. White House officials are admitting it. And instead of investigating this genuinely murderous impeachable offense, the House is recessed until April 20. https://t.co/GWSjvVYpEe pic.twitter.com/1tgDYzC6GE— subscribe to my newsletter (@brianbeutler) March 31, 2020
MA received 17% of requested medical supplies from the Trump admin. ME: 5%. CO: 1 day's worth.— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) March 29, 2020
FL got everything they requested. + an identical shipment the next week. oh, and a 3rd is on the way.https://t.co/4AmYkn70Jm pic.twitter.com/ZUCGF2NsfX
More useful info on Michigan here from @ThePlumLineGS, though I disagree with his assessment that there’s no “evidence” of political favoritism in the coronavirus response. There’s tons of evidence, even if it can’t be proved. https://t.co/yCjbfkHoBm— subscribe to my newsletter (@brianbeutler) March 27, 2020
THE AP: "There’s no evidence that Trump has held up a governor’s request for assistance for personal or political reasons." https://t.co/nS6ifmHMF3— subscribe to my newsletter (@brianbeutler) March 27, 2020
ALSO THE AP: pic.twitter.com/wbuOzyCu6N
Jesse, it is even worse ... Trump and Pompeo downplayed the threat, called it a hoax, and gave our stockpiles away to CHINA.https://t.co/OxGliCUl3x— Social✽Fly (Gov Cuomo's #StayAtHome Girlfriend) (@socflyny) March 29, 2020
Different states are getting different levels of solicitousness from the federal government already. Trump went on Fox News today and told governors they needed to dial back the criticism of him if they wanted federal help. https://t.co/YZAaj0ogYR— subscribe to my newsletter (@brianbeutler) March 25, 2020
Imagine if doctors or nurses withheld their services until patients showed their appreciation. #COVID19 #TrumpMeltdown #MichiganStrong— Wrath of Khan (@WrathOfKhan2016) March 28, 2020
“Trump has kept a close eye on the coronavirus media coverage and noted which local officials were praising or criticizing him, according to three aides— Lostpassword (@Lostpassword7) March 27, 2020
The mayor of New York City is asking veterinarians to donate any ventilators they may have. That's where we are.— Jillian Jorgensen (@Jill_Jorgensen) March 31, 2020
And Trump sent 170 broken ventilators to California. Meanwhile, Trump & Pompeo sent 18 tons of PPE masks, gowns & ventilators to China on Feb 7th, after knowing there were 11 confirmed Covid19 cases in the USA. https://t.co/G5J9eY7T8R— Buckle Up (@Buckleup36) March 29, 2020
WH said tens of millions of tests had been shipped.— Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) March 31, 2020
Something has gone wrong, badly wrong.
Daily Tests
Mar 22 - 45k
Mar 23 - 66k
Mar 24 - 65k
Mar 25 - 113k
Mar 26 - 107k
Mar 27 - 108k
Mar 28 - 114k
Mar 29 - 95k
Mar 30 - 113k
Mar 31 - 98k (1.1m total)
h/t @COVID19Tracking
U.S. coronavirus testing fell again today. Safe to say it's no longer on an upward trend, despite a rising number of cases.— We need #TestAndTrace 🐇 (@Noahpinion) March 31, 2020
This is not going to get it done, folks. We're back in the danger zone as far as testing is concerned.https://t.co/aIgWCudPbx pic.twitter.com/oPNnkX6Z9q
There's no way to quite capture it in one vid clip. But that was an awful extended moment where no one on the stage was able to answer the basic question: wouldn't we have saved tens or hundreds of thousands of lives if we hadn't botched Jan and Feb? They know the answer.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 31, 2020
Trump also continues to push his nonsensical theory that doctors and nurses in New York City, after working grueling 14-hour shifts, are then selling boxes of masks "out the back door". This is merely one more shovel of dirt on the Mount Everest of evidence of Trump's ignorance and projection.Trump: "I knew everything. I knew it could be horrible and I knew it could be maybe good" pic.twitter.com/KWPbdQV3dz— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 31, 2020
Dolt45 cannot conceive why so many masks would be needed (since the number of cases should be "close to zero" by now, plus April's warm, virus-destroying weather is arriving tomorrow) and he assumes everyone would do whatever he would do.
But because Trump knows he would happily step over a pile of dead bodies to sell masks on the underground market doesn't mean anyone else would. ... Who is buying these masks? And for what purpose? It's beyond bizarre. But it's been well-established that when Trump gets confused about why something is a certain way, his mind goes immediately to illegal action.
Hey! Halle-fucking-lujah!GE workers walked out today to demand their plant start making ventilators.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 30, 2020
That’s Lord of the Flies sh*t.
Factory workers shouldn’t have to force their company to help save lives. That’s what a president is supposed to do.
But right now, factory workers are all we got.
BREAKING: CNN did not air Trump’s intro to his press conference. They only started airing it when Dr Fauci and Dr Birx started speaking. #StopAiringTrump— Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 31, 2020
That con job was built on the even-more-amazing magic conservatives conjured decades ago, when they convinced pretty much everyone in the US that the country's media is liberal. If you actually go and read and listen to the media, of course, you'd quickly realize the claim is hogwash.One of the most amazing things Trump has done is convince people that the media is against him when they've been rolling over for him and promoting him ever since he started running. Of course, he couldn't have done it if so many people in this country weren't so stupid.— CK 🆘 (@CkilNYC) March 27, 2020
In 1992, Rich Bond, then the chair of the Republican Party, said:
There is some strategy to it [bashing the 'liberal' media] ... If you watch any great coach, what they try to do is 'work the refs.' Maybe the ref will cut you a little slack on the next one.James Baker, the White House Chief of Staff under both Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Herbert Bush, admitted that complaining about the media was silly:
There were days and times and events we might have had some complaints [but] on balance I don't think we had anything to complain about.Patrick Buchanan, an ultra-conservative pundit and former presidential candidates:
I've gotten balanced coverage, and broad coverage-all we could have asked. For heaven sakes, we kid about the 'liberal media,' but every Republican on earth does that.William Kristol, one of the most influential Republican/neoconservative in America, confessed:
I admit it. The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures.
Trump is the guy who told the governors they had to go out and buy their own equipment. Now he's saying they should "call him."— digby (@digby56) March 31, 2020
Hilarious. The guy who said a month ago that he didn't want the people on the cruise ship to come ashore because it would raise his numbers is now saying he wants to help people dying on ships today "for humanity."— digby (@digby56) March 31, 2020
Trump's Europe travel ban was implemented 2 and a half weeks ago. He keeps saying he did this "early."— digby (@digby56) March 31, 2020
"We inherited obsolete tests."— digby (@digby56) March 31, 2020
The virus didn't exist until December 2019 --- three years into his presidency.
His obsession with Hydroxychloroquine is just bizarre. But I think he's convinced himself that this is the Great Cure and he will get credit.— digby (@digby56) March 31, 2020
It's one of the problems with having a person with a serious personality disorder running the country during a pandemic.
I think the new version is there were some crazy people who were recommending "ride it out". But Trump was skeptical and said no that can't happen. And now we realize that Trump has saved over a million lives by beating back the crazy "ride it out" people.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 31, 2020
So I think the idea is that because of the President's negligence somewhere between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans will die. But he also wanted to up it to almost 2 million but then he decided not to so that means Trump saved more than a million lives.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 31, 2020
That's the story. I know it's fun to watch the bouncing ball, but it doesn't change. That's it.