Wednesday, August 10, 2022

"Defund (& Abolish) The FBI": The Hypocrisy Is Breathtaking
Trump, September 28, 2016: "If You're Innocent, Why Are You Taking The Fifth Amendment?
Trump, August 10, 2022: Pleaded The Fifth Amendment 440+ Times In NY AG Case

William Saletan, formerly of Slate, now at The Bulwark, has compiled an impressive list of some of the "shameless backflips" by far-right lawmakers and media figures in the wake of the FBI's search of Trump's "spider hole". The shameless hypocrisy of the Trump Cult is on full display. Some examples:
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William M. Arkin, Newsweek, August 10, 2022:
The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek. . . .

According to news reports, some 10-15 boxes of documents were removed from the premises [these are in addition to the 15 boxes of stolen documents Trump returned to the National Archives in approximately January 2022]. Donald Trump said in a statement that the FBI opened his personal safe as part of their search. Trump attorney Lindsey Halligan, who was present during the multi-hour search, says that the FBI targeted three rooms — a bedroom, an office and a storage room. That suggests that the FBI knew specifically where to look.
Trump admitted online on Wednesday to illegally possessing boxes of top secret government documents at his Florida estate (though I doubt he realizes he confessed). He also admitted he was keeping those top secret documents in an unsecured room -- and two months ago, he allegedly voluntarily gave FBI agents a tour of the storage room (against the advice of his lawyers) and told them to come back anytime.

That is a felony, punishable by five years in prison. Back in 2018, Trump signed a national security bill that increased the punishments for anyone who mishandles classified information (such as secretly stealing boxes of them and storing them in an unsecure basement in your house). ("Hoist with his own petard; and 't shall go hard")
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Donald Trump, 1990: Pleaded the Fifth Amendment 97 times when asked approximately 100 questions regarding marital infidelity during depositions in the divorce proceedings with his first wife, Ivana, who is currently buried near the first tee on his golf course.

Donald Trump, September 28, 2016: "Her [Hillary Clinton's] staffers taking the Fifth Amendment, how about that? . . . So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?

Donald Trump, August 10, 2022: Pleaded the Fifth Amendment more than 440 times in a four-hour deposition as part of the New York Attorney General's investigation into his shady-as-fuck business practices.

Trump deigned to answer exactly one question -- he stated his name.

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