Monday, August 08, 2022

An Entire Snowbank Of Far-Right Flakes Gets Triggered By FBI Search Of Trump's Home

August 8, 2022 was quite a day for Trump news.

The New Yorker published a lengthy article outlining Trump's rocky relationship with top military leaders at the Pentagon. At one point, Trump demanded to know why they could not be as loyal to him as Nazi officers were to Adolf Hitler?

Axios published two photographs purporting to show ripped up White House documents, with Trump's handwriting on them, clogging a toilet.

Matthew DePerno, the Trump-approved Republican nominee for attorney general in Minnesota, allegedly led an intricate scheme to gain unauthorized, and illegal, access to the state's voting machines after the 2020 election. . . . Just the latest in a long example of how the only people credibly accused (or who pleaded guilty and were convicted) of vote fraud in 2020 are members of the Trump Cult.

Paul Manafort, Trump's 2016 campaign chairman, publicly admitted giving "sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy . . . meant to show how Clinton was vulnerable" to a Russian intelligence agent.

Oh, and the FBI conducted a raid on Trump's home in Florida -- and a whole snowbank of far-right flakes were triggered. Nearly 50 unhinged tweets from the usual gang of idiots -- it's fucking amazing! A seemingly never-ending whine-fest featuring calls to dismantle the FBI (aka, defund the police?), accustions of the US being a third-world country (honestly, it's well on its way), and the usual far-right demands for terrorism, death, and war. Fox, always devoid of objectivity, vented about what will happen "when we get power back". Trump, who was not present during the raid, likened the federal-judge-approved search warrant to Watergate: "They even broke into my safe!" On Twitter, some clown announced: "Tomorrow is war. Sleep well." and got this reply: "lol i'm totally gonna war but a man needs his seven hours".

All this comes less than a week after we learned Trump buryed his dead first wife in a corner near the first tee of his New Jersey golf course (pictures showed a cheap, flat-on-the-ground stone on a rectangle of dirt) so he can claim the property as a cemetery and avoid paying taxes.

This also did not age well:

That tweet is still up.


Tucker Carlson ‘Shitting Himself’ Scared That His Alex Jones Texts May Leak

Alex Jones Sent A Nude Photo Of His Wife To Roger Stone

At CPAC Last Weekend, A Large Banner Admitted: "We Are All Domestic Terrorists"

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