Sunday, August 14, 2022

"By Copy Of This TRUTH"


Look up "A Lawyer's Worst Nightmare" in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of Donald Trump, an an monumentally stupid man who is in love with the sound of his own voice and cannot stop lying anytime he speaks.

In this statement, posted at his failed Twitter rip-off (Troth Senchal), Trump inadvertently confesses to being in possession of stolen material. As Teri Kanefield, a former appellate defense attorney, suggested, "Someone needs to tell him he has the right to remain silent."

I can't imagine why Trump didn't say this immediately rather than insisting that he possessed zero government documents and the entire proceeding was a WITCH HUNT and a hoax.

(Also: Russian State TV is boasting that Putin and other officials have been "studying" Trump's stolen nuclear documents "for a while". The Russians could be bluffing, but recall that Yuri Shvets, a former high-ranking member of the KGB, claimed Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset 40 years ago. "The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically, and he was prone to flattery. This is what they exploited.")

And: "Still not one interview from Trump since the search. No Fox, no Newsmax, no OAN, no Podcasters, no Lindell TV, no nothing. . . . Still banging out those posts on Truth Social though - where nobody can ask him a question." Instead, we have heard "a Rolodex of reasons . . . [each] increasingly less rooted in reality" why Trump is innocent:
The [latest] claim added two new excuses to his and his supporters' ever-evolving list of reasons as to why the raid was unlawful, inappropriate, fruitless, overly intrusive, no big deal, or a mix of all five. . . .

Trump's children initially stated the FBI wouldn't find anything, and that Trump returned everything he was supposed to earlier this year. Once news broke that the National Archives knew of additional material still at his Florida estate, Trump claimed officials only needed to ask for them back and he would have happily complied (despite Trump being issued [and ignoring] a subpoena). Trump lawyers then began to float ideas that the FBI planted evidence at the compound, only to turn around and claim that Trump probably declassified — or could have declassified — the material. . . .

Some argued Trump had a standing order to declassify everything he took with him to the White House residence, and Trump himself wrote how "it was all declassified." No documentation has surfaced to support that claim . . . Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official, said on Fox Business Network . . . "He can literally stand over to the documents and say these are now declassified and that is done with definitive action immediately."

It echoed comments Patel made to Breitbart News last week, where he said the documents had been declassified yet the markings had not been updated. "Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves," he said. He did not explain why Trump never bothered to release these documents nearly two years after he lost the 2020 election.

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