Tuesday, June 01, 2021

"Insurrection-To-Resurrection" (GOP's War Against The United States Is Intensifying, With Minimal Opposition)

Amid comments from far-right extremists claiming Donald Trump will be "reinstated" as president in August 2021, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn stated two days ago that a military coup (similar to what is going on Myanmar) "should happen" in the United States.

Seth Abramson, Proof, June 1, 2021:

New Video: See the Terrifying, Seditious Propaganda Video Released at the Dallas QAnon Conference Headlined By Trump Advisers Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell

Warning: this video is profoundly disturbing. It's insurrectionist multimedia sponsoring the overthrow of America's democratically elected government, not in a distant future but soon: in August 2021.

The video was posted there by an insurrectionist named Heidi Huebel Hitt, who has been posting content from the "For God & Country" conference in Dallas—one of the key bases of support for the QAnon movement and Donald Trump's ongoing domestic insurgency. Hitt, a QAnon adherent and realtor from Longview (TX), spent this past weekend (Memorial Day weekend, so the weekend America celebrates those who died preserving our democracy) at this conference, which was intended as a gathering of QAnon-adherent domestic insurgents intent on overthrowing the government of the United States. The headliners for this seditious meeting were current Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn (who was previously Trump’s National Security Advisor as president) and former Trump legal adviser Sidney Powell, who is currently being sued for defamation by Dominion Voting Systems and has since confessed that all her statements about election fraud in the 2020 presidential election were false.

During the Dallas event, Flynn said that a violent military coup of the sort now happening in the country of Myanmar "should" happen in the United States, and Powell said (falsely) that Trump can be "reinstated" as president. A third member of Team Kraken, former crack addict and current MyPillow CEO Michael Lindell, has set the time for Trump's "reinstatement" as August 2021. According to the New York Times, Trump has himself secretly confirmed with well-connected friends and allies that he is willing to return to the White House—as part of a coup—in August 2021.

As I noted on my Twitter thread about this video, much of its seditious rhetoric is ripped straight from phrases and statements that have often issued from members of Trump's inner circle, including "we the people" (Flynn), "the battle between good and evil" (Roger Stone, from his now-infamous January 5 "incitement-to-insurrection" speech at Freedom Plaza in Washington), and "the best is yet to come" (Kimberly Guilfoyle, top Trump adviser and girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., at the 2020 Republican National Convention). There is no reason to regard this as accidental, especially when two top Trump advisers are headlining the conference at which the video was to be shown. The clear message—and not just because images of Trump celebrating violence at a pro wrestling event are used multiple times in the video—is that Trump and his inner circle support the message of the video, which includes the phrase "the military is the only way [to remove Joe Biden from the White House]."

Abramson is the author of a trilogy of best-selling (and insanely well-researched) books about Trump's collusion with numerous foreign governments, including Russia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Israel, and his other near-endless political scandals and crimes: Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America (2018), Proof of Conspiracy: How Trump's International Collusion Is Threatening American Democracy (2019), and Proof of Corruption: Bribery, Impeachment, and Pandemic in the Age of Trump (2020).

He's a pretty sober-headed guy, and he's fucking terrified over the implications of this shit (which is frightening, considering how much deep research he has done into this extremist movement):
If the ending of that video doesn't chill your damn bones, nothing will. The final 45 seconds are like nothing I've ever seen in my life. The level of specificity about what the insurrectionists are planning is...well, it lodges like a snowball in your f*cking heart—really. . . .

I thought I'd be able to get that video out of my head—but it feels like it's seared there. The last 45 seconds. The last 45 seconds. No one who watches them will say I'm overreacting. I never thought I'd live to see a video like this shown in a public place to applause.
(Matt Gertz of Media Matters: "A thing that I haven't seen in a lot of the coverage of this: The Myanmar military coup that Flynn said the U.S. should emulate was pretextually in response to 'voter fraud' in a landslide election." Also, it will not be surprising to learn while CNN devoted two hours of airtime to Flynn's treasonous comments (May 30-June 2) and MSNBC spent 39 minutes, Fox had 0 minutes of coverage.)

Abramson posts his writings at Proof. His subscription price of $5/month is a ridiculous bargain. A number of older articles are now free and should give you an idea of what he posts (try April 3's "A Comprehensive Guide to Those Responsible for the January 6 Insurrection"). I feel like I got my month's money's worth from one or two articles -- and he posted about two dozen in May. . . . Consider this a friendly public service announcement.

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