Monday, May 31, 2021

GQP Continues Its Crusade To Dissolve US Democracy While Biden And Democrats Say And Do Virtually Nothing

The GQP continues on its unrelenting crusade to foment additional violent insurrections across the United States, moving the country closer to a dissolution of democracy.

This week:
Republicans killed a bill to create an independent commission to investigate the January 6 domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol, 

Matt Gaetz (under federal investigation for child sex trafficking) said true American patriots have an "obligation" to "use" the Second Amendment to overthrow the current government

Florida blogger Donald Trump continued his stream of lies about winning the 2020 election in a landslide, 

former US military general and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn told a QAnon conference audience in Dallas last weekend that a Myanmar-like military coup "should" happen in the US in order to put Trump back in the White House, and 

former Trump lawyer Sidney "Kraken" Powell told the Dallas crowd that Trump can, and will be, "reinstated" as president of the United States but he "won't get credit for the time he has lost" in his second term. Powell promised "more evidence" would be available "in a month or two".
Please note that this is the same Sidney Powell who stated in a recent court filing (she's a defendant in a $1.3 billion lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems) that she can't be sued for defamation because no reasonable person would ever believe anything she says is factual.
Meanwhile, The Daily Beast's podcast asks: "Will Biden Ever Get Off His Ass to Save Democracy?"

Molly Jong-Fast, host of The New Abnormal, spoke with Ron Brownstein of The Atlantic, who called the hundreds of voter suppression bills being pushed through state legislatures throughout the country "the most serious threat to the core underlying principles of American democracy since at least the Civil War . . . Amid all of this, you've heard very, very little from Biden presenting this as a threat to democracy".

I went out and talked to the heads of a lot of the civil rights and voting rights groups that are working on these issues. And they are worried on two fronts. They're worried about the magnitude of what's unfolding in the red states. And they are worried about the way that the Biden White House and the Senate Democratic leadership are responding to it. That there is a gap that is widening between the magnitude of the threat and the intensity of the response. . . .

There are provisions in many of these laws that are increasing the authority of statewide officials—Republicans—to override decisions by local officials, primarily Democrats, about access to the ballot, or even potentially counting of the ballots. There are bills in these states that would restrict the ability of state courts even to oversee and intervene. . . .

[But Biden's team] don't really see it that way. They argue—and this is an exact quote from a very senior official—that the best chance to prevent Republicans from undermining the 2024 election is to hold the House and the Senate. . . . And it's more important to do that than to call out what's happening in stark terms.

Of course, by 2024, the deck could be legally stacked against the Democrats in so many states that holding the House and the Senate could be an impossible task. But we'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow, right?

While Biden ignores those real and present dangers, he is also covering up many of Trump's crimes, including his child separation policy and a Justice Department memo supporting the claim that the Mueller Report did not support a charge of presidential obstruction.

Biden is also urging a federal judge to dismiss civil lawsuits against Trump and other officials for last June's attacks by the US military on 1,000+ peaceful protestors in Lafayette Square because Trump lost re-election, so future violations are very unlikely. Seriously -- that's one of the reasons. Because we all know that Trump has zero supporters in government who might consider running for high office and win and then mimic his actions (or worse).

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