Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Angry At Being Mocked As A Stone Cold Loser, Snowflake Trump Deletes His Blog
The "Game-Changing" "Beacon Of Freedom" Goes Dark After Only 29 Days

Donald Trump has permanently shut down his blog and scrubbed all of his posts from his internet. The thin-skinned, sociopathic, loser snowflake did not like being mocked for having so few readers. The blog did not last even one month.

Trump Ends Blog After 29 Days, Infuriated By Measly Readership
Upset that it was being mocked for low traffic, Trump ordered his team Tuesday to put the blog out of its misery

On its last day, the site received just 1,500 shares or comments on Facebook and Twitter — a staggering drop for someone whose every tweet once garnered hundreds of thousands of reactions.

Trump still wants to launch some other platform — timing not yet determined — and didn't like that this first attempt was being mocked as a loser, according to a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk frankly about the former president's plans. . . .

Every blog post has been scrubbed from the Internet. The old link now redirects to a webpage urging people to give their contact information to a Trump campaign mailing list.

In March, spokesman Jason Miller promised that Trump's 's social media platform would be a "game changer" and draw "tens of millions of people". From the Desk of Donald J. Trump was introduced last month with "a cinematic trailer, in which soaring orchestral music plays as the camera zooms from space into Mar-a-Lago over the words: 'In a time of silence and lies, a beacon of freedom arises.'" (WaPo)

The site was nothing more than a primitive blog that did not allow comments. Trump claimed he liked his blog "better than Twitter". (Despite lying constantly for many decades, Trump is the world's undisputed worst liar.) Now, the blog is no more.

Huffington Post:

"From the Desk of Donald J. Trump" was preceded in death by Trump Airlines, Trump beverages, Trump: The Game, numerous Trump casinos, Trump magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, a Trump travel website, Trump telecom, Trump University, and Trump Vodka.

As the Washington Post reported on May 21, 2021, not even Trump's biggest fans were interested in his blog. Nearly half of his supporters (46%) said they had no plans to read any of his posts. The blog was a disaster from every angle.

[E]ven as they promoted it, Trump's advisers were underwhelmed. The long-hyped site was just a blog: a primitive one-way loudspeaker that lacked most of the technical features . . . that older blogging sites such as LiveJournal have had for 20 years. . . .

Trump advisers say the blog is low-quality and unimpressive . . . [and] shows [no] technical sophistication . . . The blog does not save one's progress or previously read messages, and asks viewers every time they open the page whether they want alerts to their email and phone, regardless of whether they've already signed up.

Former campaign manager Brad Parscale defended the website, saying it was "built exactly as we pitched it". (So you pitched a garbage website that was glitchy and often crashed? Okay.)

This may (or may not) have been his last post:

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