Monday, July 13, 2020

Wyoming: The Die Sooner State

We've had 21 [COVID-19] deaths in Wyoming. Most of those ... were going to die. They just died sooner. ... I mean, things happen.
And these people call themselves "pro-life" with a straight face.

Those words of wisdom are from Kevin Christopherson, a member of the Natrona County (Wyoming) School District Board. He is not crazy about wearing face coverings:
We've had 41 highway deaths this year. And I bet you you're still driving. I know I am. I'm still driving 84 miles an hour.
Last time I checked, car accidents were not contagious.

We are all going to die, eventually. So why take any precautions with anything? Safety checks on airplanes before takeoff? Fireproofing materials on buildings? Arresting and prosecuting murderers? ... Why bother ? Those victims were going to die. They just died sooner. Things happen, right? Shouldn't people like Mr. Christopherson be pro-abortion, too? That fetus was going to develop and be born and eventually die. So whatever.

Dr. Ghazi Ghanem:
[Y]ou cannot take risks for the population. ... If I myself can just feel like, "Yeah, it's OK to take a risk for myself," if I go and give it to you as a patient, you're not going to appreciate that. ... I don't know what else to say about masking. I feel like, if we look at other countries who within their culture they mask, they don't have 3 million people infected. We do.
Debbie McCullar, another board member, wondered why recommendations to the public continue to change. She is "a little bit skeptical about the research we hear every other week".

How can a society devolve so far that a significant portion of the population no longer understands the concept of "learning"? (And are members of school boards!) That when an unprecedented virus appears, those with infectious disease experience study it, learn things, and pass that knowledge along. As time goes on, they learn more things and perhaps their recommendations change in two weeks or three months.

That's how humans have learned things since the beginning of time.


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