Sunday, July 12, 2020

US's Single-Day High Of New Virus Cases Nearly Doubles In 17 Days: 38,412 To 71,787

The United States set a single-day record of new SARS-CoV-2 cases on eight of the 17 days between June 24 and July 10.

Nearly 3.5 million cases have been reported in the US, a far cry from Donald Trump's prediction on February 26 that the country's 15 cases "within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero".

That was less than five months ago and more than 138,000 Americans have died from the virus.
June 24: A new single-day record of 38,412 cases
June 25: A new single-day record of 40,212 cases
June 26: A new single-day record of 47,365 cases
June 27: 43,599 cases
June 28: 40,560 cases
June 29: 44,764 cases
June 30: 46,070 cases
July 1: A new single-day record of 52,359 cases
July 2: A new single-day record of 57,318 cases
July 3: A new single-day record of 58,910 cases
July 4: 49,818 cases
July 5: 45,931 cases
July 6: 50,584 cases
July 7: 55,442 cases
July 8: A new single-day record of 61,848 cases
July 9: 61,067 cases
July 10: A new single-day record of 71,787 cases
New York Times, July 13, 2020:
President Trump's advisers undercut the nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, over the weekend, anonymously providing details to various news outlets about statements he had made early in the outbreak that they said were inaccurate.

The move to treat Dr. Fauci as if he were a warring political rival comes as he has grown increasingly vocal in his concerns about the national surge in coronavirus cases. He has also noted his lack of access to Mr. Trump. ...

Dr. Fauci works for the Trump administration, but the list of his statements was laid out in the style of a campaign's opposition research document. Its release to news organizations by the White House was extraordinary.
The guy who suggesting doing shots of bleach and injecting Lysol into people's lungs is pointing out someone else's (allegedly) inaccurate statements?

The guy who insisted numerous times the virus "very much" under control and, after that proved completely wrong, promised it would magically go away like a miracle?

That guy?

Fauci is too professional to counter-release a list (or a book) of Trump's misstatements (or even mention a few to the press), but you can find a lengthy list of them here.


  1. Dump Administration Policy :

    Those who speak any sense whatsoever, are RAPIDLY shown the door !!!

  2. Given the pattern of cases being "heldover" on weekends as they dip & then rise on Monday - In about 12 hours you would logically expect another New Record of 75-80 ?

    Will it reach 100 before even Fauci expects ?

    If it doesn't get there, then no doubt Dump will claim it was his victory by wearing a Mask ..... once !
