Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump: Testing Creates COVID-19 Cases (And He Denies The Virus Is Spreading In US)

[W]e test more than anybody by far. And when you test, you create cases. So we've created cases. ... We have all of these cases, so it's a double-edged sword. ... We're doing a great job. ... But we have the best and certainly the biggest, by far the biggest testing program anywhere in the world. ... We do the testing and by doing the testing, we have tremendous numbers of cases. If we didn't do this… as an example, we've done 45 million tests. If we did half that number, you'd have half the cases probably around that number. If we did another half of that, you'd have half the numbers. Everyone would be saying, "Oh, we're doing so well on cases." ... We have a lot of cases because we have a lot of testing, far more than any other country in the world. And it's also the best testing.
The look on his face whenever he babbles this nonsense proves that he truly believes it. He sees himself as the smartest guy in the room having to explain the obvious to a bunch of morons.

The US has administered roughly 43,250,000 tests, so he's fairly close on that count. According to Worldometers, the US ranks 23rd in number of tests per one million people.

Among countries with populations of 20+ million, the US ranks #1 in cases per one million and #5 in deaths per million (behind the UK, Spain, Italy, and France).

Other Buffonery

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