Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Over The Next Eight Weeks … Things That Nobody Has Even Contemplated, Thought About, Thought Possible And Things That We're Going To Get Done … A Very Exciting Eight Weeks ... Nobody's Ever Going To See Eight Weeks Like We're Going To Have … You'll See Levels Of Detail And You'll See Levels Of Thought That A Lot Of People Believed Very Strongly We Didn't Have In This Country. … We're Going To Get Things Done. … I Think We'll Start Sometime On Tuesday. ...Nothing's Easy in This Country."

We're bringing back consumer choice in home appliances, so that you can buy washers and dryers, shower heads, and faucets. So shower heads, you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer, you take a shower longer. Because my hair, I don't know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect. Dishwashers, you didn't have any water so the people that do the dishes, you press it and it goes again and you do it again and again. So you might as well give them the water because you'll end up using less water. So we made it so dishwashers now have a lot more water and in many places, in most places of the country, water is not a problem. They don't know what to do with it. It's called rain. They don't have a problem. And old-fashioned, incandescent light bulbs, I brought them back, I brought them back. They have two nice qualities, they're cheaper and they're better. They look better, they make you look so much better, that's important to all of us, but they're better and much cheaper and they were mandated out, legislated out, and we brought them back and they're selling like hot cakes.
No other administration has done anywhere near. ... We not only met that ambitious goal which at the time people said was impossible, we vastly exceeded it. ... Been an incredible achievement. ... .Think of that. ... In our battle against the China virus ... ventilators like nobody's ever seen before. ... People that haven't cried since they were babies, some of them never even when they were a baby and they were crying. Many people were crying. ... There are many horror stories that we could relate. ...

We are now the largest ... Nobody's even close so it's great ... ventilators like nobody's ever seen before. ... We will have a vaccine in a record time. We're doing fantastically well ... We are doing on therapeutics and vaccines incredibly well. No administration in history has removed more red tape more quickly ... We're set up militarily, we're going to be delivering it in record time. ... We've made tremendous progress ... I don't want any credit ... The telemedicine is something that's really gone up by thousands, and thousands of percentage points, of percent ... really turned out to be good. Really, really turned out to be good ... We are draining the Washington swamp, and they're not happy about it. I can tell you that. I think you know that. The swamp was deep. I just didn't know how deep, deeper than I thought. ...

It's about our country, it's about our country. We want to be strong. ... We have to have strong law enforcement and that's taking place in the areas that we're responsible for. ... We were going into Seattle, all set to go and then they did it themselves. They heard we were coming in and the hands went up, they gave up. ... Minneapolis, we said, "Get the Guard in there." Three nights, "Get the Guard in, get the guard." We got the Guard in. ... it was like a knife cutting through butter. ... No problem, after that, did you notice? ... Look at it right there it's so beautiful, the Washington Monument. If they had their choice they'd take it down, and I guarantee you they'd rename it. They want to rename it, they want George Washington out. They want Thomas Jefferson out. They want Abraham Lincoln out. They want abolitionists out. They don't know what they want, they just want to destroy our country. We're not going to let it happen, we're not letting it happen.

We have many exciting things that we'll be announcing over the next eight weeks I would say. Things that nobody has even contemplated, thought about, thought possible and things that we're going to get done and we have gotten done. We've started in most cases, but it's going to be a very exciting eight weeks. ... We can honestly say nobody's ever going to see eight weeks like we're going to have, because we really have, we're taking on immigration, taking on education, we're taking on so many aspects of things ... They've been working on some of these things for 25, 30 years, wasn't happening.

But you'll see levels of detail and you'll see levels of thought that a lot of people believed very strongly we didn't have in this country. We're going to get things done. We're going to get things done that they've wanted to see done for a long, long time. I think we'll start sometime on Tuesday. ... We're going into the immigration, the world of immigration. The world of education. We're going into the world of healthcare, very complete healthcare. ... We were able to do things that nobody has ever been able to do or even close on deregulation. ... I want to get out of here as fast as possible ...

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