Friday, July 17, 2020

Are We Rocking Yet, Jared?

Jared Kushner is the real Donald Trump Jr.

Born into extreme wealth, he has been a spectacular failure at every endeavour, but has never suffered the consequences of his ignorance, so he believes he's a genius. He is incapable of learning anything, except new ways to cheat people out of their money and how to inflict misery on working class Americans. And he's got a face you want to mercilessly smack with a 2x4.

On April 29, 2020, Kushner spoke particularly idiotically about the coronavirus pandemic. He told Fox & Friends that people shouldn't ask the why testing took so long to get going, but: "How did we do this so quickly?"
The federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story and I think that that's really what needs to be told. ...

May will be a transition month ... I think you will see by June, a lot of the country should be back to normal, and the hope is that by July the country is really rocking again.
When Kushner said this, the US had experienced approximately 1,000,000 cases and 60,000 deaths. Donald Trump praised his son-in-law as a "genius".

It is now is mid-July - and the virus is doing the all the rocking. Cases have totaled nearly 3,700,000 and there have been more than 141,000 deaths. (And Trump still has no plan to deal with any aspect of the pandemic.)

May was sort of a transitional month, actually. By mid-June, cases were increasing quickly. In July, things have been out of control.

June 25: New single-day high with 40,212 new cases. First day with 40,000+ new cases.
June 26: New single-day high with 47,365 new cases.
July 1: New single-day high with 52,359 new cases. First day with 50,000+ new cases.
July 2: New single-day high with 57,318 new cases. First two consecutive days of 50,000+ new cases.
July 3: New single-day high with 58,910 new cases.
July 8: New single-day high with 61,848 new cases. First day with 60,000+ new cases.
July 9: 61,067 new cases. First two consecutive days of 60,000+ new cases.
July 10: New single-day high with 71,787 new cases. First day with 70,000+ new cases.
July 11: 62,004 new cases. First four consecutive days of 60,000+ new cases.
July 15: New single-day high with 72,005 new cases. First day with 1,000+ deaths (1,002) since June 9.
July 16: New single-day high with 73,388 new cases. First two consecutive days of 70,000+ new cases.

The US has set a new single-day record of new cases on 7 of the last 16 days. The high for new cases in one day has almost doubled in only three weeks (and that's with several states either allegedly undercounting or not providing information).

One projection estimates the death toll to be about 225,000 by Election Day.

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