Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Dishwashers You Didn't Have Any Water ... In Most Places Of The Country, Water Is Not A Problem, They Don't Know What Do With It, It's Called Rain"

I'm enjoying the comments:
I must be of the elite bc my dishwasher works just fine - my part of the country must get enough rain

Even auto correct can speak better than Trump.

This weirdly makes me miss sitting next to babbling lunatics on the subway.

until Trump was elected president, there was no functional plumbing and everyone was very frustrated because they couldn't get the rain into their dishwashers

This was today? He's still going on about the water pressure?

How is somebody this shit-all stupid? Nevermind the presidency, how does he complete basic human functions daily?

I never want to hear a word about Biden's cognitive decline.

If he was some other country's president we would all be laughing and thinking America would never elect a jackass like this jackass. But here we are.

Trump tackling the important issues of our time, such as dishwashers and beans.

Beans are out. Water is back in. President Gravy Brain is a brilliant campaigner.

This is the man ordained by God to run our country?

at this point I think @sarahcpr is paying him

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