Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Trump Explains That He Went To His Bunker "For An Inspection"

What a clown. ... A sub-literate, fascist, cowardly, blowhard of a clown.

Trump told Fox Radio on Wednesday that he went to the underground bunker "for an inspection".

He also claimed he was there "during the day" - in other words, he was not hiding from protesters at night. And despite numerous news reports stating Trump was in the bunker for approximately an hour, he claimed he was there for only a "tiny little short period of time ... a very very short period of time, very very short period of time".
Brian Kilmeade, Fox News: [T]here are reports where they were so worried, they brought you downstairs in the White House to a bunker. What could you tell me Sunday night was like for you and your family? [Trump was in the bunker on Friday night, not Sunday.]

Donald Trump: Well, it was a false report, I wasn't down, I went down during the day and I was there for a tiny little short period of time, and it was much more for an inspection. There was no problem during the day. The problem, I saw Leland got whacked pretty good, but that was during the night. And these problems are during the night not during the day. And I go down, I've gone down two or three times, all for inspection, and you go there, someday you may need it. But you go there and I went down, I looked at it, it was during the day, it was not a problem, and I read about it It was like a big thing. There was never a problem, we never had a problem, nobody ever came close to giving us a problem.

Kilmeade: So you're telling me, Mr. President, they didn't say to you you have to go downstairs, my responsibility is your welfare? They didn't limit you at all in the house?

Trump: Nope, they didn't tell me that at all. But they said it would be a good time to go down, take a look because maybe sometime you're going to need it. And I've been down, that would be number two, two and a half sort of because I've done different things, but two and a half, but I looked, I was down for a very very short period of time, very very short period of time, I can't tell you who went with me, but a whole group of people went with me as a inspecting factor, I was back up, and Brian it was during the day, it wasn't during the night, I think they reported during the night.
In Other News: Tammy Duckworth, the Illinois Senator who lost both her legs in the Iraq War, accurately described Trump as a "draft-dodging, wannabe tinpot dictator".
Or I run and hide in a bunker. Or I attack peaceful protesters so I can walk down a street for 10 minutes without hearing mean things said about me. You know.

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