Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Live TV Feeds & Hundreds Of Videos (And Witnesses) Attest To DC Police Tear-Gassing Protesters For Trump's Photo-Op; White House & Park Police Say No Tear Gas Was Used

The Trump Cult now claims that tear gas and explosives and rubber bullets were not used to get rid of peaceful protesters so the Coward-in-Chief could have his church photo op without leaving his protective bubble, in which everyone tells him he uses the best words and is the smartest man of all time.
The unwarranted, despicable, and illegal act - ultimately ordered by Attorney General Bill Barr - was shown on live television. There are hundreds of videos, from major news organizations and civilian protesters, of the attack, all online. But if asked, Trump would claim they are all completely fake.

And yet not one Republican Senator denied that the White House ordered the tear-gas attack so Trump could film a campaign commercial. Indeed, they were all reluctant to utter one peep about it. Were they embarrassed or ashamed? I don't know. But it's clear they did not want to discuss the White House's actions, one way or the other, on camera.
News Flash: These events also did not happen.
Mitch McConnell sabotaged a resolution against the use of tear gas and rubber bullets on Americans lawfully exercising their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble.
Donald Trump's disapproval rating is now 54% — the highest disapproval for any president in U.S. history (since polling began in 1945, according to 538). One poll, by Øptimus, from May 23-30, reported a 61% disapproval percentage.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked for his thoughts on Trump's call for military attacks against lawful protesters. Trudeau paused 21 seconds before answering. It's odd. At a few points during the silence, I felt like it was deliberate and not a function of finding the right words.

Trudeau, who has kissed up to Trump far too often over the last three-plus years and can give Trump a decent run for his money when it comes to denying reality and rationalizing his abhorrent and inhumane policies, did not mention Dolt 45's name.
We all watch in horror and consternation at what is going on in the United States. It is a time to pull people together ... it is a time to listen. It is a time to learn, when injustices continue despite progress over years and decades.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that Tweet about Canada feeling like it's living above a Meth Lab !
