Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Trump Committed Voter Fraud In Florida Last Year (A Daytona City Manager Did Exactly What Trump Did; She Paid Fines Of $5,000+ To Avoid A Criminal Charge)

Manuel Roig-Franzia, Washington Post, June 3, 2020:
President Trump originally tried to register to vote in Florida while claiming his "legal residence" was in another part of the country — Washington, D.C. — according to Florida elections records.

The September 2019 registration application listed Trump's legal residence as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, the location of the White House. That created a potential problem for Trump: Florida law requires voters to be legal residents of the state. A month later, Trump resubmitted his application to use a Florida address and in March he voted by mail in Florida's Republican primary.

The revisions complicate Trump's own record as a voter at a time when the president has made unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud in mail-in balloting. ...

The voter application is dated Sept. 27, 2019 ... On one of his forms that day he was telling Florida officials that his "legal residence" was Washington, D.C., and on another he was saying he was a "bona fide resident" of Palm Beach.

Florida voter-registration applicants are warned on registration forms that they may be subject to fines and even prison time if they do not provide truthful information.

There has been at least one recent instance in Florida in which a public official faced legal consequences for registering to vote at an address that was not her legal residence. Last year, the city manager of Deltona, Fl., entered into an agreement with the local state's attorney's office to pay more than $5,000 in fees and reimbursements for the state's investigation to avoid being prosecuted on criminal charges in a voter-registration case. She had registered to vote using the address of Deltona's City Hall, rather than her home address, and had cast ballots in elections using that registration.

In Palm Beach, where Trump has registered to vote, there was a high-profile arrest in 1993 of a popular restaurateur who was charged with voter fraud and briefly jailed because he registered to vote in Palm Beach but lived in the neighboring city of West Palm Beach. A felony charge in the case was eventually dropped. ...

Trump has used his change of residency as a political tool, saying at the time of his announcement that he had been treated badly in New York.

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