Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Recent US Scenes Remind Current And Former Intelligence Officials Of The Dysfunction And Decay They Monitored "In Third World Countries Before A Collapse"

Greg Miller, Washington Post, June 2, 2020:
The scenes have been disturbingly familiar to CIA analysts accustomed to monitoring scenes of societal unraveling abroad — the massing of protesters, the ensuing crackdowns and the awkwardly staged displays of strength by a leader determined to project authority.

In interviews and posts on social media in recent days, current and former U.S. intelligence officials have expressed dismay at the similarity between events at home and the signs of decline or democratic regression they were trained to detect in other nations.

"I've seen this kind of violence," said Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst responsible for tracking developments in China and Southeast Asia. "This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me."

Helt, now a professor at King University in Tennessee, said the images of unrest in U.S. cities, combined with President Trump's incendiary statements, echo clashes she covered over a dozen years at the CIA tracking developments in China, Malaysia and elsewhere.

Other former CIA and national security officials rendered similarly troubled verdicts.

Marc Polymeropoulos, who formerly ran CIA operations in Europe and Asia, was among several former agency officials who recoiled at images of Trump hoisting a Bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington after authorities fired rubber bullets and tear gas to clear the president's path of protesters.

"It reminded me of what I reported on for years in the third world," Polymeropoulos said on Twitter. Referring to the despotic leaders of Iraq, Syria and Libya, he said: "Saddam. Bashar. Qaddafi. They all did this."

The impression Trump created was only reinforced by others in the administration. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper urged governors to "dominate the battlespace" surrounding protesters, as if describing U.S. cities as a foreign war zone. Later, as military helicopters hovered menacingly over protesters, Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, toured the streets of the nation's capital in his battle fatigue uniform. ...

One U.S. intelligence official even ventured into downtown Washington on Monday evening, as if taking measure of the street-level mood in a foreign country.

"Things escalated quickly," said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitive nature of his job. He emphasized that he went as a concerned citizen, not in any official capacity. After seeing tear gas canisters underfoot, he said, he "knew it was time to go" and departed.

Former intelligence officials said the unrest and the administration's militaristic response are among many measures of decay they would flag if writing assessments about the United States for another country's intelligence service.

They cited the country's struggle to contain the novel coronavirus, the president's attempt to pressure Ukraine for political favors, his attacks on the news media and the increasingly polarized political climate as other signs of dysfunction. ...

Even away from the cameras, Trump has assiduously cultivated the aura of a strongman. Earlier Monday, he had chided governors as "weak" for failing to employ adequate force in the face of mounting protests. ...

Brett McGurk, a former top U.S. envoy to the Middle East who spent two years in the Trump administration, said the president's words — recorded by participants and shared with news organizations — would only embolden the world's autocrats and undermine U.S. authority.

"The imagery of a head of state in a call with other governing officials saying, 'Dominate the streets, dominate the battlespace' — these are iconic images that will define America for some time," said McGurk, who led U.S. diplomatic efforts to counter the Islamic State terrorist group. "It makes it much more difficult for us to distinguish ourselves from other countries we are trying to contest" or influence, he said. ...

The seeming hypocrisy in the U.S. position has not been lost on foreign targets of American pressure or criticism.

Ramzan Kadyrov, a Chechen leader who has faced U.S. sanctions for alleged human rights abuses, said Tuesday that he was "watching with horror the situation in the United States, where the authorities are maliciously violating ordinary citizens' rights," according to reports from Moscow.

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