Tuesday, June 02, 2020

"Let's Sprinkle Some Crack On 'Em And Get Out Of Here"

UPDATED, at bottom.

Two cars of armed white guys want to break into a store. The store owners and a few neighbourhood people (not white) confront them. There is a standoff. A TV reporter (covering the scene live) says the white looters are "arguing about why they are not being allowed to break into the place".

Police arrive – and immediately pull out their guns and start harassing the black store owners and residents, shoving them against a wall, telling them to get on the ground, demanding identification. The cops are accosting any dark-skinned person nearby. A dark-skinned young man, a member of the TV crew, is asked for ID.

The reporter tries several times to get the cops to focus on the now-departed looters. The cops have zero interest in listening to anyone. One cop tells the reporter to point out the store owners. She does. The cop says, "We're putting those in handcuffs right now."

1 comment:

  1. It strikes me that Fox "news" should be renamed The Amy Cooper Network ......
