Tuesday, May 24, 2022

19 Children Gunned Down At Texas Elementary School (27th School Shooting This Year)
GOP Immediately Defends Use Of Assault Weapons While Fox Blames School For Deaths

Current Death Toll14 18 19 children (second, third, and fourth graders) and 3 adults

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton immediately defended the use of assault rifles and other weapons. After that, he threw his hands up in defeat and admitted nothing can be done and everyone in the US should get used to daily mass shootings because "we can't stop people from doing bad things".

Numerous other Republicans are saying the same thing. An occasional pile of dead eight-year-olds and a few uncomfortable questions is a small price to pay to keep the NRA money spigot flowing into their wallets.

Seven- and eight-year-old kids should not live in fear of suddenly having their bodies ripped apart by automatic weapons fire while practicing their multiplication tables. I know I'm getting a bit radical and "politically correct", but that is simply what I believe.

Fox Lies & Propaganda blamed the school for the 22 deaths, citing a "flimsy fence" and the fact that each child had not been provided with a "ballistic blanket". The network made a specific point to urge that absolutely "no sweeping massive changes" of any kind should be made in response to this latest mass murder at a US elementary school.

There have been more than 200 mass shootings this year (May 24 is Day #144), including 27 school shootings. This was the 16th mass shooting in the US in the last 10 days.

"In Australia, we had a terrible mass shooting in the late 90s: 35 dead. Within a month, our government had enacted draconian gun laws and guess what? No mass shootings in over 25 years."

"Same here in Scotland. We had a mass school shooting. 16 children and 1 teacher died. We changed our gun laws. 26 years later, no mass shooting"


Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego

. . . As Long As The Shooter Was Not Packing A Tomato Or A Pie

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