Wednesday, May 25, 2022

(1) The Always-Helpful Fox Network Proposes 50 (!) Solutions To Stop School Shootings
(2) Gun Control: NRA Will Ban Firearms . . . From Its Houston Convention Later This Week
(3) Texas Gov. Is A Glass-Half-Full Guy; Massacre "Could Have Been Worse"

Texas School Shooter Was Stopped Outside The School By Armed Cops . . .
How Was He Allowed To Go Inside With Multiple Firearms And Kill 22 People?

What About Pineapples and Pies?

Texas . . . Where 19 Dead Children Is A "Success Story"


1 comment:

  1. #37 fascinates me--there speak people who do not have to arrive at the airport two hours early; who are VIPed at airport TSA lines and so do not stew in rage at expensive and stupid security theater; who wait for their flight in comfy airline lounges with amenities; who do not have to pay (or do not mind paying) $27 gouged dollars for a beer at the airport restaurants; and who eventually sit in first class, reclining at their ease, not squeezed into minimal-pitch sardine cans.

    The rest of us recognize airports as a foretaste of hell if we are religious or of life in a fascist or communist dicatorship if we are not.

    Schools are already nasty enough, regimented enough, full enough of the educational equivalent of security theater.

    So, sure, make schools more like airports (except you don't get to go anywhere much except home at 3:30.) Or, as Ted Cruz suggests, make schools more like prisons with a single guarded door and, I suppose, a sally port, barbed wire, electronic door locks, a panopticon--but no time off for good behavior. Sorry, kids.
