Wednesday, February 16, 2022

LOL: Canada Refuses To Allow Mike Lindell (& A Truck Full Of Pillows And Bibles) Over The Border; Also: Minnesota Bank Closes Six Of Lindell's Accounts (Stating Its Public Reputation Is Harmed By Its Association With Him) And New Hampshire Says "Stay Away!"

UPDATEDER!: Lindell now claims he was making a joke about dropping pillows by helicopter. Hoo-kay, but the pillows-by-helicopter idea was still the least insane thing he has uttered since 2019. * * *

UPDATE!: "The MyPillow Guy Is Seriously Planning to Drop Pillows From the Sky Over Canada"
Mike Lindell now has a backup plan to get free pillows to Canadian truckers: drop them from the sky via a helicopter. The pillow maven told The Daily Beast late Wednesday night that he intends to drop his pillows into Canada from a helicopter "with little parachutes" attached. . . . Asked where exactly he intended to drop the pillows, he said, "I can not give the location out, and it is no joke! I just confirmed with them [the helicopter company], and yes, this is the plan. We have the helicopter confirmed, but we are moving the time up to 11 am."
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He can't do anything right!

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