Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Fox Hosts Too Cowardly To Criticize Their Employer's Vaccine Mandates (Which Are Five Times Stricter Than Biden's "Tyrannical" Proposals)

Justin Baragona's (The Daily Beast) reported on Chris Hayes's Tuesday night segment in which the MSNBC host slammed Tucker Carlson and other Fox talking heads as "cowards" for railing against President Biden's vaccine mandates (it's "tyranny"!), but staying absolutely silent about their own employer's vaccine mandate, which is five times more strict than Biden's mandates for private  businesses. Every Fox employee must provide his or her vaccination status. Any unvaccinated  Fox employees must submit to daily testing (Biden's mandates include weekly testing), but more than 90 percent of full-time Fox staffers are already vaccinated.

Hayes calls out the blatant hypocrisy:

Notice, by the way, they don't call out their own employer. They could ... if they had any courage. If you think it's tyranny, you could do that on-air, but you won't! And I'm willing to bet you nearly all those people who go on air every night and rail against it, they are vaccinated. Their loved ones are vaccinated. They are are selling this poison because it is profitable for them.

And they truly do not care. I mean, I don't know what's in their hearts, but their revealed preferences — all I can judge is their actions — they do not seem to care if people who watch them get killed as a result. And yes, there are actual human beings — taking their last breaths with a plastic tube down their throat while they say goodbye to their loved ones over an iPad. Entire universes of memories and life experiences snuffed out forever but guess what, it's great for ratings!

Approximately 2,000 Americans are dying every single day from COVID-19. Almost all of them were unvaccinated.

Fox's new tagline:

Annual Salaries:
Tucker Carlson: $10 million.
Laura Ingraham: $15 million.
Sean Hannity: $25 million (radio and TV gigs combined: $40-45 million).
Maria Bartiromo: $10 million.

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