Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pillow Man Mike Lindell Begins 3-Day "Cyber Symposium" With Hours of Disjointed Ramblings ("We Have Evidence . . . To Convict Everyone In The Country"); He Also Throws A Fit, Denying He Ever Said Trump Would Be Reinstated August 13

MyPillow maniac Mike Lindell has been preaching for months that Donald Trump would be reinstalled as president this month -- this Friday, August 13, to be exact -- once the US Supreme Court sees all of the awesome and damning vote fraud evidence he has been collecting since last November.

At times, however, Lindell has said his timeline for Trump's return to greatness might be less than exact, pointing out that Dear Leader's return will occur on "God's time". In 2021, the Trump Cult has incorrectly predicted Trump would be reinstalled as president on January 6, January 20, March 4, and March 20. Today, Lindell was asked about his oft-stated promises of Trump's reinstatement. "Nobody said that, nobody said that, nobody said that, nobody said that, nobody said that, nobody said that, OK? I think this interview is over!"

Lindell is currently hosting a three-day "cyber symposium" on election fraud in South Dakota (which has the third-highest rate of Covid cases per million of any state). In the run-up to the event, CNN's Drew Griffin debunked Lindell's claims and told him his evidence "proof of nothing" and that me may be the "victim of a scam". Lindell also pulled all of his ads from Fox because the network refused to run a promo for the symposium.

Justin Baragona (The Daily Beast) reports on the "head-scratching and cringeworthy moments" during the first day at this "MAGA fantasy camp":

Lindell has relentlessly pushed baseless claims that voting machines stole the election from former President Donald Trump, and he has spent the past few weeks promoting the symposium as a world-changing event that would finally reveal irrefutable proof of a rigged 2020 presidential vote. (Lindell, of course, has made similar claims about his election fraud "documentaries" that never provided any actual evidence of corrupt voting machines or widespread voter fraud.) . . .

Ready to show the world that Trump should still be president (he has previously said the Supreme Court would vote 9-0 to reinstate Trump after viewing his "data packages", Lindell's event got off to an inevitably rocky start on Tuesday morning: Despite a billed kickoff at 9 a.m. local time, Lindell claimed his website was "hacked," causing the event's livestream to be delayed. . . .

Lindell raged against voting software company Dominion, who had just filed defamation lawsuits against OAN and Newsmax for peddling bogus election fraud claims about the firm’s machines. . . .

At one point, while seated at a center-stage table with his so-called experts, Lindell was informed that the event was about to break for a pre-planned lunch, prompting the MyPillow boss to blow up.

"So we're not going on a break. . . . Run that movie again. There's no breaks," he huffed. "We're streaming 72 hours! Live-streaming, around the world. This never stops . . . I'm staying up here for 72 hours before they ruin our signal!" . . .

Yet, despite his promise to "stay up here for 72 hours," Lindell left the stage a few minutes later.

*** Potential Vote Fraud! And:

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