Wednesday, August 11, 2021

On Day 2 Of His Batshit Insane Conference, Lindell Demands Media "Stop Fact-Checking" His Claims And Just Report Them. Later, He Runs Off-Stage After Hearing News Of Trump-Appointed Judge Ruling Multi-Billion Dollar Defamation Sits Against Lindell, Powell, And Giuliani Can Proceed

Lindell demands US media "start reporting this stuff and stop fact-checking it"!

The document refusing to dismiss Dominion's lawsuits is here.

Lindell also says Trump will be reinstated as president in/on:
late November 2020,
December 2020,
January 6, 2021,
January 20, 2021,
March 4, 2021,
March 20, 2021,
August 13, 2021,
September 2021,
or maybe November 2021?



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