Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Proof: Trump In Direct Contact With Insurrectionist Leaders As Capitol Attack Was Planned (Secret Service Acted As Liaisons Between Trump And Militia Groups)

Seth Abramson, Proof, June 29, 2021:

It's become clear, based on emerging evidence produced by OSINT digital research, that January 6 was coordinated by four entities—the White House, Stop the Steal, InfoWars, and the Proud Boys—with the Oath Keepers running security for Stop the Steal, the 1st Amendment Praetorians (1AP) acting as security for top agents of Team Trump, members of Trump's historically politicized Secret Service acting as liaisons between Team Trump and the insurrectionist and militant groups present in DC in the first week of January, and all of this seditious activity centering around one location in Washington: the Willard InterContinental Hotel near Freedom Plaza.

Proof has already reported that Donald Trump had direct contact with Alex Jones of InfoWars and Stop the Steal in the "VIP area" of the then-president's January 6 speech at the White House Ellipse, and that Trump had personally asked Jones and Stop the Steal to lead the march on the U.S. Capitol on January 3. Proof can also now report that the Secret Service reached out to longtime Trump friend and adviser Roger Stone at midday on January 6 to try to get him to leave the Willard Hotel and join Jones, Jones’s foremost lieutenant at InfoWars (Owen Shroyer), and Ali Alexander of Stop the Steal in leading a march Trump had no intention of joining despite saying otherwise at the Ellipse.

But now there is also significant evidence that both Stop the Steal and InfoWars were in close contact with Trump himself on Insurrection Eve—contact that came in more than sufficient time for Trump to have had a direct influence on the planning of the events of January 6, as well as on the actions of Ali Alexander, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and Owen Shroyer on that day. . . .

As the number of insurrectionists inside and outside the Willard Hotel on January 5 and January 6 grows; as the number of interactions between and among these same insurrectionists at the said location on January 5 and January 6 grows; as we learn more about the militant extremists who provided security to not Trump intermediary Roger Stone and Team Trump's Willard "command center" (more on this shortly); and as we get more evidence of direct contacts between the worst insurrectionists and not just the White House but Trump himself, indeed with video attached . . . it becomes harder and harder to understand how the FBI, Congress, and major media haven't turned their sustained attention on people like those listed above and the Trump agents listed here.

There is now ample evidence that the White House knew what was coming, including not just the intentions of the Proud Boys but also the fact that Pence was not going to do what Trump wanted—information Trump learned on January 5 at the very latest, per major-media reporting—and that therefore its contacts with InfoWars and Stop the Steal were carefully calibrated to cause the chaos and delay on Capitol Hill that Donald Trump needed to at least temporarily block certification of Joe Biden's victory.

The FBI, major media, and citizen journalists continue to do a great job in rounding up the insurrectionist foot soldiers who stormed the Capitol on January 6, with 500+ now under arrest. But based on Proof reporting and the work of some dogged OSINT research by Proof readers, the time has arrived to turn the nation's attention toward what Donald Trump was doing and who he was speaking to on both Insurrection Eve and Insurrection Day.

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