Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Look Out, Big Tech! This Is The Week Trump Will "Do Something" About You!

Well, watch next week because you'll see me do something about Big Tech and people have wanted me to do it a long time . . . They don't love me to talk about it early, but watch what I do next week on Big Tech. I think you'll find it to be very interesting.
— Donald Trump, who has no power to do anything to "Big Tech" except maybe cancel his AOL account, to Newsmax, June 25, 2021 
I'll be making an announcement in the not too distant future [about 2024]. Right now, I'm helping a lot of people get into office . . . We're giving tremendous endorsements . . . and some people go up 40, 50, 60 points.
—  Trump, to Newsmax, June 25, 2021 
60 points!!!

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