Monday, June 14, 2021

Marjorie Qaylor Greene Calls Press Conference To Remind Everyone She's "Very Much A Normal Person" And Has Learned (At Age 47) The Holocaust Was Bad

Considering the mountain of evidence Greene has provided over the last three or four years showing herself to be a deranged and hateful person, her admission is all for show. (Though her underlying admission, that she is also a complete moron, is accurate.) Greene knows exactly what the Holocaust was — of course she does — and she supports it, as a proper Nazi should. 

Greene's mind was hermetically sealed against reality and rational a long time ago. She is dumb as a rock — and proud of it. Back in February, she explained her belief in and support of insane conspiracy theories (such Hillary Clinton sacrificing and eating babies) by stating: "I was allowed to believe things that weren't true." Greene is a despicable human being and should have been expelled from government months ago.

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