Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fox Flips Yet Again: January 6 Insurrection Was Violent - And The FBI Organized It To "Suppress Political Dissent"

The January 6 Capitol Insurrection, as understood by seditionist Republicans, Fox TV personalities, and other right-wing extremists:
First, it was violent and top Republicans blamed Trump.

Then it was not violent, just peaceful Trump supporters.

Then it was violent and "antifa" (dressed as Trump supporters) was blamed.

Then it was not violent, merely a "normal tourist" visit.

Now it's violent and the FBI planned it.
(I'm sure I missed a few flips and flops in there somewhere.)

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan V. Last (The Bulwark) also notes "the conservative message on 1/6 varies widely:

    * There was no insurrection; it was a peaceful protest.

    * There was no insurrection; it was a mostly peaceful protest with a couple of well-meaning knuckleheads who are being prosecuted.

    * There was an insurrection and it was a false flag perpetrated by violent Antifa thugs.

    * There was an insurrection and it conducted by brave patriots who righteously occupied the People’s House and were willing to die to #stopthesteal.

    * Law enforcement officers on the scene didn’t have any concerns; they opened the doors to Trump supporters and welcomed them.

    * Law enforcement officers on the scene were violet thugs who martyred Ashli Babbitt.

    * There was an insurrection and it was incited by undercover FBI agents from the Deep State who were trying to embarrass Donald Trump."

    The point is to flood the zone with shit so "society becomes overloaded and can't muster a reaction".
