Saturday, October 24, 2020

11 Days Before Election, Trump Has An Uplifting Message For All Americans:
"Things Are So Fantastic. Stop Being Such A Whiny Pussy."

Donald Trump's message to Americans — less than two weeks before an election, as an average of 60,000 Americans are being infected every day with a potentially fatal virus with no cure, roughly 1,000 Americans are dying each day (and a quarter of a million have died since spring) as hospitals across the country are filling up, there are 10 million more Americans in poverty, more than 50 million are first-time filers for unemployment benefits, and the president is publicly admitting he's rushing an unqualified partisan toady onto the Supreme Court so he can continue to loot the Treasury, abolish healthcare, and steal the election —is this:
Things are fantastic. Stop being such a whiny pussy.

Q: How Would Fox Cover The Story Of Biden Ignorantly Referring To
Toothbrushes Instead of Missiles Dozens Of Times Over Many Months?

A Closer Look At A Lie Trump Has Told More Than 150 Times: Claiming Credit For Obama's 2014 "Veterans Choice"

The New York Times Trying (And Failing) To Correct Itself After Getting Caught Pushing More Pro-Trump Propaganda

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