Thursday, July 02, 2020

Asked A Second Time In A Week, Trump Still Cannot Articulate His Second-Term Plans

Last Thursday, June 25, Sean Hannity put the ball on the batting tee for Donald Trump and asked him the fluffiest softball question of all time:
What are your plans for your second term?
Trump spoke 161 words, but avoided the question entirely. He failed to answer the most basic and easiest question imaginable.

On Wednesday, July 1, Trump got a friendly do-over, in an interview with Eric Bolling of the Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Trump still swung and missed, despite saying more than twice the number of words (373). He said some general nonsense – building ships, doing "more", making drugs, "a lot of things we can do" – he praised himself several times and made a racist comment about China – showing that he had not given the question a moment's thought since whiffing with Hannity.

Sean Hannity asked you about your second term [six days ago], and the left was upset with it. They said he wasn't sure what his second term's all about. Let's do it. Let's do a retake on that. What is Donald Trump's second term, what's the main focus for that?
Well, I didn't hear anybody was upset with it, but I will tell you it's very simple. We're gonna make America great again. We are doing things that nobody could've done. We've rebuilt the military. We have a ways to go. We've done things for the vets like nobody's ever seen. We can do even more. We did Choice, as you know, we did Accountability. What we've done nobody's even able to do. But we have more to do. Economic development, jobs, trade deals – the trade deals I've made are incredible. We made the great deal with China. Of course, as I said, the ink wasn't dry before we got hit with the China plague. But we made the deal. In fact, today is the – really the first day, the first official day, the USMCA. That's Mexico and Canada. This was NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever made, one of the worst trade deals. We suffered with that deal for many, many years. And nobody could terminate it. I terminated it, gave you a new deal. I made a new deal with South Korea. We have many great trade deals. Our country will be so strong at the end of our first term, it's going to be great. It would have been phenomenal. We got hit with the plague. At the end of the second term, it's going to be at a level that nobody will have ever seen a country. We're doing it, whether it's trade, whether it's military, all made in the USA. It's so important, made in the USA. One thing is very important. We gotta bring back our manufacturing. And I brought it back very big. But we have to make our own pharmaceutical products, our own drugs, prescription drugs. We have to make our own things. We're doing it now with steel, we're doing it now with a lot of different products. I've done that. But we can do it with a lot more. We want to build our own ships. We don't want to send out to other countries to build ships. So we have a lot of things we can do. We've done a lot, but we have a lot of things we can do.
534 words over two interviews – and still nothing specific.

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