Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tucker Carlson Loses Nine Major Advertisers In One Week, Tells Viewers They "Are Not Crazy [Or] Evil" If They Watch His Show

Tucker Carlson is on a mission to lose ALL of the advertisers for his Fox News show.
Carlson has lost nine major advertisers in roughly two weeks. It appears his long history of promoting white supremacy has finally caught up with him.

On June 9, T-Mobile announced that it would no longer advertise on Carlson's program. CEO Mike Sievert tweeted: "Bye-bye Tucker Carlson! #BlackLivesMatter".

The next day, four more companies - SmileDirectClub, Disney, Vari, and Papa John's - confirmed they were pulling their advertising from Carlson's show.

As the week went on, more advertisers cut ties: Jackson Hewitt Tax Service (June 11), Poshmark (stopped June 2, re-confirmed June 12), Proactiv (June 13), and Angie's List and Homeadvisor (June 15).

Of course, we should not forget that these companies were all well aware of Carlson's constant racism and lies for a very long time and were unconcerned until recent events put extreme pressure on them. (Also, any of them might still advertise on other Fox shows.)
May 27, 2020

Tucker Carlson Calls Minneapolis Protests Against Police Brutality "A Form Of Tyranny"
That's what rioting looks like. It happened last night, as you can see, it's happening right now. We want to be clear ... We are defending society itself. Rioting is the one thing you don't want. Ugly opinions, police brutality, officious birdwatchers, rude entitled ladies walking their dogs in big city parks -- all of that is bad, but none of it is nearly as bad as what you just saw. The indiscriminate use of violence by mobs is a threat to every American of all colors and backgrounds and political beliefs. Democracy cannot exist when people are rioting. Rioting is a form of tyranny. The strong and the violent oppress the weak and the unarmed. It is oppression.
May 29, 2020

Tucker Carlson Calls Barack Obama "America's Chief Racial Arsonist"
Well, five years ago, just as a reference point, President Obama condemned rioting. We are going to compare that with his statement today. President Obama has long been, no one wants to say it but it's true, America's chief racial arsonist.
May 29, 2020

Tucker Carlson Says Protests Against Police Violence Are An "Ancient Battle" Between "Thugs" And "Normal People"
Now we know that other people have somehow negotiated a far better deal than the one we have. They get to ignore the rules. They don't believe in order or fairness. They reject society itself. Reason and process and precedent mean nothing to them. They use violence to get what they want immediately. People like this don't bother to work, they don't volunteer or pay taxes to help other people. They live for themselves. They do exactly what they feel like doing. They say exactly what they feel like saying. They spray-paint their opinions on buildings. On television, hour by hour, we watch these people, criminal mobs, destroy what the rest of us have built. They have no right to do that. They don't contribute to the common good. They never have, yet suddenly they seem to have all the power. [That's a succinct description of Trump's Republican party.] ...

What you're watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in society and would like to preserve it and those who don't and seek to destroy it. ...

The rioters in Minneapolis and in other places act as if they're allowed to loot and burn, and in fact they are allowed. No one stops them. The authorities don't arrest them - instead, they pander to them, flatter them, desperately trying to win their love. Why are masked lunatics setting fire to Wendy's? Because the rest of us are sinful. That's what our leaders tell us. The crimes of the mob are the punishment we deserve. That's their argument, and many seem to buy it. On a White House executive staff call just this morning, key domestic policy advisers Brooke Rollins and Jeron Smith argued that it might seem racist to say anything about the rioting in Minneapolis. Better just to let it happen, so that's what they're doing. We should have seen this coming. ...

When you express an opinion our leaders don't like, they call it "violence". When criminals commit actual acts of violence, they call it "speech". So, the game is rigged. Why are the rest of us still playing it? We have more power than we think we do. Our system only functions because dutiful normal people, people with self-control and decency and above all, a sense of responsibility toward others created our system. They sustain the system. They pay the bills. None of the thugs looting Target or the well-paid nihilists on television who are egging them on have added a thing - nothing. Yet all of the destroyers expect that this arrangement will last forever, and you can see why, because for them, it's been a very good deal. ...

When the mob comes, they're gone. You are on your own. That is true. Those are the facts. We can't change them, all we can control is our own behavior. Should you keep playing along with all of that? Ponder that the next time they demand you get a permit to put a deck on your own house, and think about it even harder the next time you write a tax check.
Note: There are numerous videos in the last three weeks showing police officers slashing car tires, trying to break the fingers of protesters, beating college students with batons, blinded a photographer by shooting her in the eyedriving an SUV into a crowd of protesters, shoving protesters to the ground, firing rubber bullets and pepper balls at hundreds of groups of peaceful protesters, destroyed food and water donated to protestersfiring paint canisters at people sitting quietly on their porch, pepper-spraying people with their hands in the air, shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach, shooting a man in the head, hip, legs, stomach, and ribs, teargassing a hospital worker, attacking journalists 140 times in four days (May 28-31), dragging a man and a woman out of a car and tasing them, etc., etc., etc.

The Verge reported on "the most comprehensive live picture of police brutality ever".
Any one of the videos we've seen could have sparked a national discussion ... But it's not just one act of violence. It’s everywhere. ... The violence appears so widespread and consistent that you could be mistaken for thinking it's coordinated at a national level. To some extent, it is: President Trump has cheered on police violence like a fan at a sports event ...
June 1, 2020

Tucker Carlson: "Why Is Some Politician Telling Me I'm Required To Be Upset About" George Floyd's Death?
The message from our leaders on the right, as on the left, was unambiguous. Don't complain, you deserve what's happening to you. No one jumped and more forcefully or seemed angrier at an America than former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. Quote, "Tonight I turned on the news and I'm heartbroken," Haley wrote. "It's important to understand that the death of George Floyd was personal and painful for many. In order to heal, it needs to be personal and painful for everyone." But, wait a second. You may be wondering, how am I, quote, "personally responsible" for the behavior of a Minneapolis police officer? I've never even been to Minneapolis, you may think to yourself, and why is some politician telling me I'm required to be upset about it? Those are all good questions. Nikki Haley did not answer those questions. Explaining is not her strong suit, that would require thinking. What Nikki Haley does best is moral blackmail.
June 2, 2020

Tucker Carlson: “Violent Yyoung Men With Guns Will Be In Charge. They Will Make The Rules, Including The Rules In Your Neighborhood"
How many more nights like this can we take? How many more nights like this before no one in America will serve as a police officer? It's not worth it. The people in charge hate you. The job doesn't pay enough. At that point, who will enforce the laws? Who will be in charge? Well, violent young men with guns will be in charge. They will make the rules, including the rules in your neighborhood. They will do what they want. You will do what they say. No one will stop them. You will not want to live here when that happens.
June 4, 2020

Tucker Carlson And Guest Agree The Time For "Vigilante Justice" Against Protesters Is Near
Bryan Dean Wright: This country is on fire. We are facing an insurrection by people that we don't quite understand who they are, but by all indications, they are violent leftist thugs. And what Secretary Esper doesn't quite seem to get either is that the nation is panicking. 71 percent of us want the National Guard in our cities tonight. 58 percent of us want the military in our cities tonight. Alright, the people are panicking. The country is on fire. Now, who is attacking us? Mr. Esper should know this. It's Antifa. Department of Justice, NYPD, others are saying this very clearly. These are people, by the way, that we faced back in 1960's, 70's, and early 80's. These were people who were far leftists, Marx, Lenin, folks who embraced that ideology. They've allied with Black Panther movement and it took many years to finally put it down. Very dangerous. And now this same group who is allied, by the way, with the democratic socialists - we're talking Bernie Bros and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. They are back. They are back with firebombs, they are back with bricks in our suburbs, in our downtowns. That's something that Mr. Esper clearly doesn't understand. ... What does that leave, Tucker? Let me tell you what it leaves. Vigilante justice.

Carlson: That's exactly right.

Wright: It's you and me and everybody watching this program arming ourselves. Is that how we run a republic? No, sir, it is not, and you do not want a country that goes there. [But that's what I advocated 10 seconds ago] And that is precisely where the nation is headed and we need for all of our leadership to understand this. And if Secretary Esper doesn't get it, doesn't understand that the oath is to protect ourselves from threats both foreign and domestic, by God, get the hell out of the Pentagon and let somebody lead who gets it. Because that is the oath that he took, that I took, and the people of this country demanded of our leadership in this moment because we are on fire. Someone do something about it.

Carlson: I couldn't agree more.
June 8, 2020

Tucker Carlson Says Democrats Are Trying To Replace Trump-Supporting Police With An Anti-Trump, Armed "Woke Militia" To Patrol Neighborhoods
Democrats do not relinquish power voluntarily, ever, period. Republicans frequently do, Democrats never do, so that's the first thing to know [They did in 2017, you ignorant moron. And in 2001, 1981, 1969, 1953, 1921, 1897, 1889, 1861, 1849, and 1841. In other words. every single time they lost the White House in American history.] Something obviously is going on here beneath the surface. This has to be an attempt to increase the power of the Democratic Party because every policy they push is. Always. And in fact, that's exactly what's happening here.

Democrats have no intention of abolishing the police. Listen carefully, and you will hear them admit that. Instead, they want to replace the police. Take the people who currently have badges, many of whom, by the way, voted for Donald Trump, and swap them out for new people, people who hate Donald Trump and hate the people who voted for Donald Trump. That's what is actually happening here, and it makes sense. Law enforcement is one of the very few institutions remaining in this country that the left does not yet control.

Democrats hate the police because they don't control the police. Very simple. Remember 35 years ago when Democrats were constantly attacking the U.S. military? You don't hear that anymore. Why is that? It's very simple. The left took over the Pentagon. No reason to attack people you control, which they do, and they plan to do the same thing to your local police department.

Let's be clear, what Democrats are proposing isn't some form of radical libertarianism, where the cops leave and the citizens police their own neighborhoods. No, it's the opposite of that. What they are proposing is a power grab. Defund the police is a move toward authoritarian social control cloaked in the language of identity politics. Already in the middle of a total breakdown of law and order as we watch our cities burn, you are seeing new moves to prevent you from defending yourself and your family in the middle of it.

Just last Tuesday, Marjorie Greene who is running for Congress in Georgia posted this ad on Facebook and within two days, Facebook pulled it down. ...

So, Facebook has a policy against violence, not the violence engulfing our cities, but the violence of you defending your family. They create the chaos, you are not allowed to defend yourself. You are, in other words, and this of course is the point, wholly dependent upon them. In the future the left envisions, the only people who will have guns are people on their team, and that's exactly what defund the police really means. It means a woke militia policing our cities, enforcing Democratic Party orthodoxy. Imagine if the diversity and inclusion department at Brown University had the power to arrest you. Imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution. That's what they are talking about. Partisan law enforcement, and partisan law enforcement, incidentally, is hardly without precedent. In fact, it's the rule in the Third World. This is an attempt to bring it here.
June 8, 2020

Tucker Carlson: This Moment "Is Definitely Not About Black Lives. And Remember That When They Come For You"
No matter what they tell you, it has very little to do with Black lives. If only it did. If Democratic leaders cared about saving the lives of Black people, and they should, they wouldn't ignore the murder of thousands of young Black men in their cities every year. They wouldn't put abortion clinics in Black neighborhoods. They would, instead, do their very best to improve the public schools and to encourage intact families which we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is central to the life prospects of children. They'd try to make Black neighborhoods as safe as their own neighborhoods [Neighborhoods with 100% Democrats are a thing?]. They would close the payday lenders that add so much misery to the lives of poor people of all colors. But they don't even consider doing any of this, they don't even try. Instead, they encourage theft and mayhem as if that will help. It will not help.

This may be a lot of things, this moment we're living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives. And remember that when they come for you and at this rate, they will. Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling. It's like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic. But you can't panic. You got to keep your head and tell the truth. Tell the truth. If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you.
June 9, 2020

Tucker Carlson Unleashes Unhinged Attack On Elmo And Sesame Street Special On George Floyd Protests
It's a children's show. Got that, Bobby? America is a very bad place and it's your fault. So, no matter what happens, no matter what they do to you when you grow up, you have no right to complain. That's the message and it starts very young.
June 12, 2020

Tucker Carlson Gives Friendly Interview To The Officer Who Said Black People "Probably Ought To Be" Shot More By Police

On June 12, 2020, Tucker Carlson interviewed Major Travis Yates of the Tulsa, Oklahoma police department. Earlier in the week, Yates said in a radio interview that he does not believe systematic racism exists. He also said Black people "probably ought to be" shot more by police. The Tulsa police department has opened an investigation into Yates and the mayor of Tulsa stated that what Yates said "goes against everything we are trying to achieve in community policing". However, Carlson praised Yates, saying that he was "proud to have [him] on" and the criticisms against him were "unfair".

June 16, 2020

Tucker Carlson Assures His Viewers They "Are Not Crazy" For Watching His Show
A lot of Americans are doing that right now, they are staying quiet and of course that is the point of censorship, to keep people isolated and alone, to prevent a consensus from forming that challenges those in charge. If you're forced to shut up they can do what they want to you and your country, that's why they do it. But last night's show suggested they have not yet succeeded, though they are trying. Millions and millions of Americans agree with you. You are not crazy. Your views are not evil.

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