Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trump Praised China's Muslim Concentration Camps, Said Invading Venezuela Would Be "Cool", Told China That Americans Were Demanding That He Serve More Than 2 Terms, Thought Finland Was Part Of Russia, Said Reporters "Should Be Executed" For Protecting Sources, And Defended The Killers Of An American Journalist To Divert Media Attention From Ivanka Using Her Personal Email For Government Business


I'm so old I remember when Donald Trump asking Ukraine to help him cheat to win re-election was an impeachable crime.

But I guess that was then. No sense for the Democrats to bother with that theater piece a second time.

According to John Bolton's new book, Trump:
- asked China's President Xi Jinping to help him cheat in the 2020 US presidential election

- said China should construct additional concentration camps for Muslims because it was "exactly the right thing to do"

- told Xi that Americans were clamoring for him to change the Constitution and serve more than two terms (after agreeing with Xi that the US had too many elections)

- thought Finland is part of Russia

- said invading Venezuela (which is "really part of the United States") would be "cool"

- wrote a glowing defense of Saudi Crown Price Mohammed bin Salan (with numerous exclamation points!) in relation to the murder of Washington Post reporter Jamaal Khashoggi to divert the media's attention away from a story about Ivanka Trump using her personal email for government business ("If I read the statement in person, that will take over the Ivanka thing")

- said "scumbag" journalists "should be executed" for not divulging their sources
Bolton knew all of this (and much, much more) and refused to testify at Trump's impeachment trial. If he was subpoenaed, Bolton said he would go to court to avoid appearing.

Bolton will always be a treasonous piece of shit. He claims "the most irrational thing I ever witnessed any President do" was when Trump called off airstrikes against Iran in June 2019. ... Yes, a president not committing a war crime and mass murder was "the most irrational thing" to Bolton.

Most Republicans knew some or all of those revelations, too, and voted to not allow any evidence - not even one piece of paper - to be introduced during the impeachment trial.
Trump wants to sue Bolton's publisher to stop the book from being released (no chance), but Trump's own National Security Council reviewed and cleared the book for publication - TWICE.
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