Monday, June 08, 2020

Trump's Approval Rating Drops To 38% As 84% Of Americans Say Protests Are Justified

Donald Trump ridiculed Mitt Romney for participating in the Black Lives Matter protests.

Of course he did. In Trump's distorted and decaying mind, having feelings is an aberration. It's a sign of weakness.

Trump claims Romney's approval rating in Utah is "tanking". Surprise! That's a lie. It's up 18%.

Trump must be thinking of his own approval rating, which dropped 7 points in the last month, to 38%. His disapproval rating has risen to 57%. (He thinks a snappy new slogan will save him.)

Only 4% of black Americans say Trump will handle race relations better than Joe Biden (91%). Overall, 63% disapprove of Trump's handling of race relations and 84% say the peaceful protests are justified.

Trump trails Biden by 14%, nationally. Biden's approval rating is 55%, his highest to date.

Biden leads Trump by 21 points among women and by 25 points among women with college degrees.

However, much of Biden's support seems to be by default. Of the people who said they are voting for Biden, 60% say it will be a vote against Trump. That makes sense to me, because Biden is a thoroughly depressing choice. If Trump was not running, Biden could be the Republican candidate without seeming out of place.

1 comment:

  1. Only 4% of black Americans say Trump will handle race relations better than Joe Biden (91%).

    White people pretending to be black to try to skew the results.
