Monday, June 08, 2020

Bereft Of Ideas, Trump Is Searching For A New Slogan (And Considering A Speech To The Nation This Week On Race & Unity!)

Twitter helped:
Trump 2020: All Lies Matter.

Trump 2020: I Cannot Tell A Truth.

Trump 2020: What Else Do You Have Left To Lose?

Trump 2020: People Are Dying To Re-Elect Me.

Trump 2020: Creating Jobs By Killing Americans.

Trump 2020: Orange Is The New Twat.

Trump 2020: I Dry Hump Flags.

Trump 2020: Because We Haven't Had A Famine Yet.

Trump 2020: Come For The Lies, Stay For The Bleach.

Trump 2020: Come For The Mismanaged Pandemic, Stay For The Bunker Inspections.

Trump 2020: Come For The Ignorance, Stay For The Racism And Incompetence.

Trump 2020: If My Incoherence & Sheer Stupidity Doesn't Impress You, My Lying & Insults Will!

Trump 2020: He May Be A Malignant Narcissist, But Let's Not Forget That He Is Also A Moron.

Trump 2020: I May Be A Narcissist! But I'm Insane!

Trump 2020: No Responsibility. No Empathy. No Problem.

Trump 2020: Not Everyone Died.

Trump 2020: My Own Father Never Accepted Me. So Now Everyone Can Get Fucked.

Trump 2020: The Worst Has Yet To Come.

Trump 2020: We Still Have Two More Horsemen Of The Apocalypse To Go!

Trump 2020: Because The US Treasury Won't Empty Itself.

Trump 2020: You Drank The Kool-Aid In 2016. Drink The Bleach In 2020.

Trump 2020: The Quicker Fucker Upper.

Trump 2020: More Knee Less Breath.

Trump 2020: My Best Lies Still Days Ahead.

Trump 2020: Future Generations Won't Believe It.

Trump 2020: I Love The Poorly Educated.

Trump 2020: Because Obama Did _____________ .

Fingers Crossed!


  1. Meanwhile, Trump's top advisers are baffled: How the hell is he not even more unpopular?

    Or, as digby puts it: "Our guy screws up everything he touches and is clearly the worst president in American history, and yet he still has a shot! Is this a great country or what?"

  2. You could ask why Dump would "risk" changing his slogan at this late stage ?

    It has taken many of his Death Cult members several years to read & comprehend those 4 lengthy & difficult words ....... even though one word was actually America !

    Surely changing "words" now would leave them VERY short of time before the Election ?

    They might vote without any understanding of Dump's vast Policy Platform - perish the thought !

  3. I have to go with "Because We Haven't Had A Famine Yet".
    I applaud the cleverness of "My Best Lies Still Days Ahead".

  4. I preferred the simplicity of Not Everyone Died !

    It holds out hope of "completing the task" ......
