Monday, June 15, 2020

Trump Tries To Hire "Enthusiastic Minority Actors" To Get Infected Increase Attendance At Tulsa COVID-19apolooza MAGA Rally



  1. Allan,

    Without Baseball how about we draw up some unders/overs for some of Dump's Greatest Hits in Saturday's Zombie Apocalypse CovidStorm ?

    He'll wheel out all the tired Old Favourites - Sleepy Joe, Radical Left Democrats, Antifa etc.

    But my tips are NASCAR re Confederate Flag, NFL re kneeling, Defunding Police, Statues, Fort Bragg etc.

    Saw that bloke on Twitter who counts all Dump's repetitive words - he'll surely be all over it - poor bloke has probably well & truly gone "round the bend" listening to Dump all the time - perish the thought !

    P.S. just counting the number of confederate flags might be interesting - assuming they are allowed in with them ?

    And then counting the cases in a few weeks time ......

  2. The other thing - I reckon Covid will get only 2-3 mentions & it'll only be referred to as "we are beating the chinese virus" with great unemployment numbers that George Floyd is proud of !!!!!!

    It really should be breathtaking audacity ......
