Sunday, June 14, 2020

Donald Trump's Re-Election Plan: Resurrect The Confederacy & Re-Fight The Civil War

Eugene Robinson , Washington Post, June 11, 2020:
It should have happened 155 years ago, when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, but maybe — just maybe — the Civil War is finally coming to an end. And perhaps Donald Trump, not Jefferson Davis, will go down in history as the last president of the Confederacy. ...

Like the Civil War itself, [the Confederate battle flag] is simply and entirely about white supremacy. ... That banner represents the knee that has been kept on the necks of African Americans ... for 401 years. ...

Lee's surrender ended nothing, because the nation did not even begin to grapple with white supremacy. Reconstruction was strangled in its infancy; true racial reconciliation was never even attempted. The statue of Davis in Richmond, brought down by protesters Wednesday night, was not erected until 1907. Like almost all of the Lost Cause monuments, it was built during the revanchist era, when Southern whites were celebrating their reestablished dominance over African Americans via repressive Jim Crow laws and the terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan. ...

The killing of Floyd has provoked a national moment of reckoning with police violence and white supremacy. But the position of the Trump administration is that systemic racism does not even exist ...

Trump has used this moment to side with Lost Cause white supremacy. ...

[Trump] may be historically ignorant enough not to know that the [Confederate] generals in question were traitors ... that ultimate victory went to the Union, not the Confederacy; and that the whole point of the rebellion was to deny freedom to African Americans. Or he may know these facts but believe his political base doesn't.
Now we know what time period Donald Trump has in mind when he says: "Make America Great Again". Any year before 1865.

VoteVets, a veterans organization, has released a video stating that naming American military bases after Confederate generals is like naming a base after Osama bin Laden.
We wouldn't name American military bases after enemies who attacked our country. But 10 military bases still bear the names of Confederate army traitors — enemies who took up arms against the United States in defense of slavery. ... [W]hy does Donald Trump so desperately want to keep the names of other racist enemies on our Army bases?
State: "We should not impose our will on others".

In your next breath, defend someone who imposed his will on someone else ... by killing them.

Historical Note: As of June 14, 2020, the United States has imposed its will on others for 243 years, 11 months, 11 days.

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