Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Transition To Treason!

Top officials in the Trump White House were aware in February 2019 that Russia was offering cash bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of American soldiers, a full year earlier than was reported last Friday, according to US officials with direct knowledge of the classified intelligence.

Donald Trump was given the information in his written daily intelligence briefing in late February 2019. Former national security adviser John Bolton told colleagues he personally briefed Trump on the intelligence assessment in March 2019.

The UK government stated that Trump briefed Prime Minister Boris Johnson - but the White House is still sticking to its extremely implausible story that this information still has not been shared with Trump!

In early 2020, Trump was informed of Russia's offer of cash bounties yet again, after the US military recovered roughly $500,000 in US currency in a Taliban outpost raid, which bolstered suspicions that the Russians were offering money to Taliban militants. The White House claims Trump was also unaware of this information.
Fewer than 30 people have been convicted of treason in US history, but Donald Trump has accused at least 12 people/entities of "treason" in the past 2.5 years:
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok
Former president Barack Obama
Congressional Democrats (for refusing to clap during his State of the Union speech)
The news media
The anonymous author of a newspaper op-ed
Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page
Former FBI director James Comey
Former top FBI official Andrew McCabe
California Democrat Adam Schiff
The attorney for the Ukraine whistleblower
The Justice Department (under the Obama administration)
A leader of Black Lives Matter

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