Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Kayleigh "I'll Never Lie To You" McEnany Describes Donald Trump As "The Most Informed Person On Planet Earth When It Comes To The Threats We Face"

And yet* . . .
*: . . . Trump:
doesn't know what the "19" in COVID-19 means
doesn't know the Florida MAGA-head yelled "White Power!" in the video he retweeted
doesn't know windmills don't cause cancer
doesn't know it is a bad idea to nuke a hurricane
doesn't know it is a bad idea to drink bleach
doesn't know England is a nuclear power
doesn't know Frederick Douglass is no longer alive (died in 1895)
doesn't know Thomas Edison is no longer alive (died in 1931)
doesn't know the wheel was not invented in the United States
doesn't know Belgium is not a city
doesn't know Paris is not in Germany
doesn't know the difference between North Korea and South Korea
doesn't know the difference between Syria and Iraq
doesn't know Puerto Rico is a US territory
doesn't know that he did not meet the president of the Virgin Islands (because he is the president of the Virgin Islands)
doesn't know that India shares a border with China (it's 2,520 miles long)
doesn't know the difference between England and the United Kingdom (in 2018)
doesn't know the difference between England and the United Kingdom (in 2019)
doesn't know Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom (in 2018)
doesn't know Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom (in 2019)
doesn't know that "Nipple" and "Button" are not real countries
doesn't know that the Kingdom of Wakanda is not a real country (The US Department of Agriculture listed it as a trading partner (it's the fictional home country of Marvel superhero Black Panther))
doesn't know Finland is not part of Russia
doesn't know how to pronounce Tanzania
doesn't know how to pronounce Minneapolis
didn't know there was so many countries in the world ("After I had won, everybody was calling me from all over the world. I never knew we had so many countries.")
doesn't know that Colorado does not border Mexico
doesn't know Kansas City's NFL team plays in Missouri
doesn't know you can't hike on the Tallahassee Trail (because it doesn't exist)
doesn't know that "Nambia's health system is increasingly [not] self-sufficient" (because the country does not exist)
doesn't know that one of the famous American Revolution battles was not fought in Concord, New Hampshire
doesn't know that the Continental Army did not take over the airports
doesn't know Mars is not part of the Moon
doesn't know "Kung Flu" is racist
doesn't know what Juneteenth is, even though it's a recognized holiday in 47 states and the District of Columbia
doesn't know people can die from the flu
didn't know how popular the Coronavirus Task Force was, when he planned to disband it in the middle of the raging pandemic
didn't know about cutting the US pandemic response team, despite the existence of video from 2018 in which he talks about cutting the US pandemic response team
doesn't know the difference between a virus and bacteria
doesn't know that not testing for the coronavirus will not mean fewer infections
doesn't know "why was there the Civil War"
doesn't know Andrew Jackson was not involved in the Civil War (he died 16 years before it began)
doesn't know who David Duke is (when asked in 2016)
doesn't know Matthew Whitaker, who served as chief of staff to attorney general Jeff Sessions and then as US attorney general for three months
doesn't really know George Conway, who was a possible choice for US solicitor general and is married to Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump's senior advisers
doesn't know E. Jean Carroll, who says she was raped by Trump in the mid-1990s; Trump says he never met her, but a photo from the 1980s shows them talking at a party. (Trump could establish his innocence by giving a sample of his DNA, but he has refused for years.)
doesn't know Gordon Sondland, who Trump appointed as Ambassador to the European Union after he gave $1 million to Trump's inauguration; described by Trump as a "great American"
doesn't know Lev Parnas, despite talking to him on the phone, having dinner with him; Parnas also posed for pictures with Trump and members of his family
doesn't really know sex-trafficker, pedophile, and rapist Jeffrey Epstein, despite saying in 2002 he'd "known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. ... [H]e likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
doesn't really know Roger Stone, despite saying in 2019 that "Roger is somebody that I've always liked"
doesn't know about his relationship with Stormy Daniels, despite the existence of several pictures of them together
doesn't know about the $130,000 payment to Daniels, made by his personal attorney to keep Daniels's story of sex with Trump a secret
doesn't know George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign, despite tweeting a photo of himself and Papadopoulos from a March 2016 meeting
doesn't really know Paul Manafort, who was the campaign manager of Trump's 2016 campaign for three months
doesn't really know Michael Cohen, despite hiring him as his personal attorney and working with him for 10 years
doesn't know who Vladimir Putin is and has never met him and has never spoken to him and has never met him, despite claiming in November 2013 he had "a relationship" with Putin, bragging excitedly in March 2014 that Putin "sent me a present", boasting in May 2014 of speaking "directly with President Putin, who could not have been nicer", and confirming in November 2015 that "I got to know him very well ... We were stablemates".

Trump abruptly did an about face in 2016 and started lying his empty head off.
July 2016: "I never met Putin, I don't know who Putin is. He said one nice thing about me. He said I'm a genius. ... I never met Putin. ... I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about him other than he will respect me."
Also July 2016: "I have no relationship with him. ... I have no relationship with Putin. I don't think I've ever met him. I never met him. I don't think I've ever met him. ... I don't know what it means by having a relationship. ... I don't have a relationship with him. I didn't meet him. I haven't spent time with him. I didn't have dinner with him. I didn't go hiking with him."
October 2016: "I don't know Putin. I think it would be great if we got along ... But I don't know Putin."
February 2017: "I don't know Putin."

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