Thursday, April 02, 2020

US: 242,900 Cases, 5,865 Deaths ... Trump: "Did You Know I Was Number One On Facebook? I Just Found Out I'm Number One On Facebook."

Testing, Testing?

March 6, 2020
Donald Trump: "The testing has been amazing, actually. ... You had mentioned 4 million tests before — 4 million?"
Dr. Steve Monroe: "By the end of the — the week, hopefully, it will be —"
Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services: "The following — next week [March 13]."

March 30, 2020
Trump: "Today we reached a historic milestone ... Over 1 million Americans have now been tested ..."
Azar: "Thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership ..."

We have tested, by far, more than anybody. We're testing more than anybody right now. There's nobody even close. And our tests are the best tests. They're the most accurate tests. ... Plus, we have a test that's a very high-level test, and it's a test that's very accurate. ... We're doing more than anybody in the world, by far. We are testing it — highly accurate tests. These are tests that work. As you know, many tests are being sent to countries, and they're broken. ... Now we have the new test ... it's a highly accurate result. I mean, tests were given out not by us, by other countries, where there was a 50/50 chance that it was wrong. What kind of a test is that? These are highly accurate tests. ... But the new tests that are coming out are very quick, and they were just developed. ... And they're very accurate tests.
Okay, so we now know Trump's on-going comments about masks "going out the back door" is yet another admission of his own criminal behaviour. He's making sure his friends or people that ring up his son-in-law get first grab at the essential medical equipment and he's saying "fuck off and die" to everyone else. That sounds exactly like everything I've heard about Donald Trump for 30+ years.


  1. I actually had my head in my hands reading through this.
    The mind continues to boggle at the depth of that pit.
    I'd not seen a picture of Jared ' Nepotism ' Kushner until today.
    Without doubt the smuggest berk I've ever seen.

  2. There are many faces in the world that are just begging to be struck with a shovel. I think Jared's face may be the most inviting. He and Ivanka raked in as much as $135 million last year, thanks to various no-doubt-highly-questionable-or-downright-illegal deals.
    Daddy Trump's obsession with Hunter Biden is yet ANOTHER example of him being obsessed with someone else allegedly doing the illegal shit HE is participating in.

    I think the phrase "There is always a tweet" has been replaced with "There is no bottom".

  3. Also: "A source confirmed to CNN that Doctor Fauci now requires personal security from law enforcement at all times due to the increase of death threats against him".

    From MAGA-nuts. ... Ain't that America ...
