Monday, April 27, 2020

That's What He Said: Every Word Trump Has Spoken Publicly Since March 9 — Enough To Fill A 700-Page Book — Reveal A Display Of Self-Pity Unlike Anything Historians Have Seen Before; By Far The Most Recurring Utterances Are Self-Congratulations, Often Based On Exaggerations And Falsehoods

First, President Trump's words — enough to fill a 700-page book — reveal a display of presidential hubris and self-pity unlike anything historians say they have seen before ...

Second, by far the most recurring utterances from President Trump are self-congratulations — roughly 600 of them, often based on exaggerations and falsehoods, according to our analysis ...

Third, in President Trump's self-congratulatory comments — we found at least 130 examples — he's always the hero, even as the way he describes his role changes over time. He has been writing his own history of the coronavirus — one that's favorable to him. ...

Fourth, President Trump blamed others for inadequacies in the state and federal coronavirus response more than 110 times. His targets shifted over time — from the Obama administration to China to the WHO — as he's struggled to focus attention elsewhere. ...

Fifth, President Trump's attempts to display empathy or appeal to national unity — about 160 instances — amount to only a quarter of the number of times he complimented himself or a top member of his team ...

And sixth: President Trump has mentioned the growing number of Americans affected by the coronavirus — nearly 50,000 dead as of April 26, hundreds of thousands of others sick — only fleetingly.

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