Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27: Donald Trump's Alternate Universe — Incoherence, Paranoia, Self-Aggrandizement, Diminishing Mental Stability — Population: 1

As the world contends with the worst pandemic in more than 100 years, and the death toll in the United States nears 60,000, the US president spends his day yelling in ALL CAPS that the media, which reported extensively on the coronavirus threat months before Donald Trump bothered to act like he took it seriously, is "the enemy of the people".

Since this crisis accelerated out of control in the US, Trump has, on a near-daily basis, insulted numerous reporters (usually female) for asking standard and straight-forward questions by calling them "brainless", "fake", "nasty", "horrid", "terrible", "pathetic", and "disgraceful". He also called the head of the FBI "scum ... human scum".

Last weekend, Trump was in a manic mood, stewing and rage-tweeting, providing the world with undeniable evidence of his deteriorating mental state.

Yes, Sunday was Melanie Trump's 50th birthday.

Trump also replied to own tweets from last week, telling himself he had been completely right:

The Lead-In

Monday's 5:00 PM briefing was canceled by late morning. But, as the New York Times reports:
To the surprise of exactly no one, President Trump resumed his daily coronavirus news briefings on Monday, just two days after tweeting that they were "not worth the time & effort" and just hours after his own White House officially canceled the planned appearance. ... Trump hates being seen as managed by his staff, and once he saw some of the television coverage reporting that his own aides thought he should hold fewer briefings, he decided to host one on Monday anyway.

The Show Must Go On!

Trump promised 27 million tests kits would be available by the end of March 2020.

Meanwhile, Back In The Real World:

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