Monday, April 06, 2020

Monday, April 6: The Donald Trump Shit Show, Featuring Non-Stop Lies And Childish Insults, Starring The Most Mentally Ill Person In Government

[The Democrats] view this as a campaign issue. They want to make Trump look as bad as they can because they want to try and win an election that they shouldn't be allowed to win based on the fact that we have done a great job. ... We got artificially stopped by a virus that nobody ever thought possible. And we've handled it.
1. The Democrats could never in a million years make Trump look as bad as Trump makes himself look bad.

2. Trump's argument is like a baseball player sustaining a career-ending injury in his first week in the major leagues, but insisting he should be elected to the Hall of Fame because his career, which would have been tremendous, a career like nobody has ever seen, was artificially stopped by an injury that nobody saw coming.
In case you were wondering if Trump was a racist asshole back in 1993 ... he was!

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