Monday, April 06, 2020

"I Call It The 'Unseen'. The Invisible Enemy, The Hidden Scourge, The Horrible Enemy, The Invisible Enemy, The Hidden Enemy, The Invisible Scourge, The Invisible Enemy, This Plague, This Curse, This Virus — There's A Thousand Different Terms For It, But Whatever."

March 16:
I think that we've done a fantastic job from just about every standpoint. ... [N]o matter where you look, this is something — it's an invisible enemy. ...

I just say this: We have an invisible enemy. We have a problem that a month ago nobody ever thought about. Nobody in the — you know, I've read about it. I read about — many years ago, 1917, 1918. I've seen all of the different — the different problems similar to this that we've had.
March 17:
Our goal is to beat the virus, and we will — we call it the hidden virus, the hidden enemy — with aggressive action now so that we can rebound stronger than ever before ...

We have to fight that invisible enemy that, I guess, unknown but we're getting to know it a lot better. ...

We don't want — with this invisible enemy, we don't want airlines going out of business.  ...

And when that victory takes place, our economy is going to go through the roof. It is so pent up. It is so built up. It is so ready to go in an upward direction. But we have to knock out this enemy. This is a really tough enemy, but we have to knock out — all of us. That's all of us.
March 18:
The big day is — the big thing we can do is get rid of this horrible — I call it the "unseen" — the unseen enemy. You call it — there's a thousand different terms for it, but whatever — it snuck up on us. ...

It's the invisible enemy. That's always the toughest enemy: the invisible enemy. But we're going to defeat the invisible enemy. I think we're going to do it even faster than we thought. And it will be a complete victory. It'll be a total victory. ...

And, yeah, I look at it — I view it as a, in a sense, a wartime president. I mean, that's what we're fighting. I mean, it's — it's a very tough situation. You're — you have to do things. ... And then, one day, you have to close it down in order to defeat this enemy. And — but we're doing it, and we're doing it well.
March 19:
When this is — when this is defeated — this hidden scourge is defeated — I think we're going to go up very rapidly — our economy — and get back to where it was and beyond.
March 19 (II):
I think we're going to have a — we're going to be a rocket ship as soon as this thing gets solved, as soon as we beat the invisible enemy. It's an invisible enemy, and it's been vicious. It's in over 140 countries, if you can believe that.
March 20:
Americans from all walks of life are rallying together to defeat the unseen enemy striking our nation. ... A lot of people are talking about it. ...

But it's been, really, for me — watching and seeing people, that weren't speaking, getting along well because we all have one common aim, and that's to get rid of this invisible enemy, get rid of it fast, and then go back to the kind of economy that we had, and maybe even better. ... I mean, we were doing — until this invisible enemy appeared, we were — I mean, we never had an economy like this. ...

And, frankly, once we get the economy back and once this enemy is defeated — the invisible enemy, as I call it — once it's defeated, we get the economy back, it's going to all come back to us very quickly. It comes back very quickly. ...

We have a tremendous economy. We do numbers like no other country has ever done before. ... [W]hen we win the war with the invisible enemy — when we win it, these companies can immediately start — not that they have to start rebuilding, which takes a long time.
March 21:
If we're going to kill this horrible, hidden enemy, we have to stay away. ...

Every American has a role to play in defending our nation from this invisible, horrible enemy. It really is — it's an invisible enemy. And we will be successful — very successful — hopefully very much sooner than people would even think. ...

It's so insulting when they write phony stories that they know are fake news. ...[T]hey're insulting everybody ... that are thinking about nothing other than this invisible enemy. ...

It's a tough enemy. It's a tough killer. Far bigger, far more vicious than ever before.
March 22:
Defeating this unseen enemy requires the help and commitment of every single American. ... The hidden enemy. I call it the hidden enemy. And I think they'll all be fine. ...

[W]e're doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy. We're at war. In a true sense, we're at war. And we're fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that. ...

It's now attacking — the enemy is attacking 144 countries at this moment. One hundred and forty-four. That's unthinkable. There's never been anything like this. And it's vicious. It is vicious. Some people recover well and some people have a hard time. We all know that. ...

I've got a lot of rich friends, but they can't help and they can't do what I've done, in terms of helping this country. We are — we are doing things. We got sidetracked by the invisible enemy.
March 23:
And essentially, we're referring to the timing of the opening — essentially, the opening of our country, because we have it pretty well shut down in order to get rid of this invisible enemy. ...

And the world has problems. We're at 148 countries now. A hundred and forty-eight countries are affected by the invisible scourge.
March 24:
Ultimately, the goal is to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country as we near the end of our historic battle with the invisible enemy. Been going for a while, but we'll win. We'll win.
March 25:
And then, a little bit less than a month ago, they went into a position that they haven't seen because of the hidden enemy, the virus.
March 26:
So I know those numbers, John, but I think you'll see a very fast turnaround once we have a victory over the "hidden enemy," as I say. It's a hidden enemy. Sometimes a hidden enemy is a lot tougher than somebody that stares you in the face, right?
March 27:
20 days ago — a couple of days longer than that, maybe — we had a smooth-running, beautiful machine. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had the highest stock price we've ever seen. It went up, I think, 151 times during the course of the presidency. And then we got hit by the invisible enemy, and we got hit hard.
March 27 (II):
This afternoon, I also signed an executive order investing — and very, very strongly investing — the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security with the full authorities ... to respond to the outbreak of the terrible virus — the "invisible enemy," as we say. ...

A lot of incredible things are happening — really happening — and it's too bad. ... Everything was going beautifully, the stock market hit an all-time high again for the over 150th time during my presidency, and the world was looking good. And then we got hit by the invisible enemy and now you have countries all over the world reeling. But ... we'll be bigger and better and stronger than we were even before. ... But, I must tell you, this whole invisible enemy has taken over the world.
March 28 (II):
As we gather today, our country is at war with an invisible enemy. ...

At this moment, there are 151 countries throughout the world that are under attack by this horrible, invisible enemy. One hundred and fifty-one countries. And we're in touch with a lot of them.?
March 29:
We're going — we're actually now occupying all 50 states. Some of them need little work, but some of them need a lot of work — more work than anybody would have ever dreamed of. Nobody could have imagined a thing like this — a tragedy like this would have happened: the invisible enemy. ...

Today, we're glad to be joined by leaders of America's medical supply and shipping companies. They're big people. I know their names very well, from watching business and studying business all my life. We're waging a war against the invisible enemy.
March 29 (II):
[T]ogether we will defeat this invisible curse — this is invisible enemy — and rise to incredible new heights. ...

I spoke to great people today that have done a great job. ... [T]hey're celebrity chefs, they've got the most successful restaurants, and in one day they have nothing. They've gotten wiped out. One day, from our enemy: this invisible, horrible scourge.
March 30:
A lot of sad events in this country. But what we're doing is now we're working on the virus. We're working on that hidden enemy, and I think we're doing a great job on — as good a job as you can possibly do. ... We're working on that hidden enemy, and I think we're doing a great job on — as good a job as you can possibly do.
March 31:
When you look and see, at night, the kind of death that's been caused by this invisible enemy, it's incredible.
April 1:
So, as we deploy our service members to combat both threats abroad, invisible enemy at home ...
[M]y biggest disappointment is that churches can't meet in a time of need. [F]or people to get together on a Sunday or whenever — any day ... And yet, if you do that, if you do it close, you're really giving this invisible enemy a very big advantage. ...

[A]s you see on the board from yesterday, as this scourge, as this plague, as this virus moves — it moves very fast ... you know, wherever it may be. So we're ready for it. We're totally ready for it.
April 2:
[T]his is a practice that we probably will be recommending into the future, long after the enemy is gone — this particular enemy is gone. ...
Because of a hidden enemy, we're saying, "Don't go to work and we're going to pay you." ...

It's witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt. And in the end, the people doing the witch hunt have been losing, and they've been losing by a lot. And it's not any time for witch hunts. It's time to get this enemy defeated. ...

I know better than anybody. I just — I know what they're going through, and it's horrible. ... When this is over ... I think we're going to have boom times. ... And we've learned a lot. We've learned about borders. We've learned about reliance on other countries. We've learned so much — so much that I think we really have a chance to be bigger and better and stronger. ... [B]ut first we have to defeat this enemy.
April 3:
So the entire world is shut down, trying to get rid of this scourge. And — and we'll do it.
April 3 (II):
[N]o one is better prepared to win a war than the United States military. And we are in a war. The invisible enemy — remember.
April 4:
FEMA, HHS, DOD are developing resources within the next 24 hours. They will have a whole different set of criteria. Every day, it's different criteria. Every day, this horrible, invisible enemy changes a course. It changes course.
April 5:
Driven by the goal of the brightest minds in science — we have the brightest minds in science, but we're driven by the goal of getting rid of this plague, getting rid of this scourge, getting rid of this virus. ...

They go in with good equipment, with great equipment, and with stuff that's not so good. And sometimes they catch it wearing the best stuff you can buy — brand new, the best stuff. This is a very tough enemy. ...

So there are some very strong, powerful signs, and we'll have to see. Because again, it's being tested now. This is a new thing that just happened to us — the "invisible enemy," we call it.

March 26:
[Y]ou know, it's a very devastating thing, but we will vanquish this virus. And it's — a lot of progress has been made.
March 27 (II):
Economic, scientific, medical, military, and homeland security — all of this to vanquish the virus.
March 28 (II):
We are marshalling the full power of the American nation — economic, scientific, medical, and military — to vanquish the virus. And we will do that.
March 29:
My administration has mobilized our entire nation to vanquish the virus.
March 29 (II):
We're unleashing every tool in our nation's vast arsenal — economic, medal [sic] — medical. If you look, medical, and scientific, military ... in order to vanquish the virus.
April 3 (II):
[W]e will unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus.
April 4:
We must utilize our nation's scientific brilliance to vanquish the virus. We have to vanquish the virus as quickly as we can because ... we have to get back to work.
April 5:
I have met many of the doctors that are doing it. These are doctors that are working so hard on vanquishing the virus.

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