Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trump & Pence Praise Pace Of US Testing; 100% Of The Evidence Says The Opposite

Heather Digby Parton, March 30, 2020:
Recall these prescient words during Donald Trump's impeachment trial:
Imagine living in a part of Louisiana or Texas that's prone to devastating hurricanes and flooding. What would you think if you lived there and your governor asked for a meeting with the president to discuss getting disaster aid that Congress has provided for? What would you think if that president said, "I would like you to do us a favor? I'll meet with you, and send the disaster relief, once you brand my opponent a criminal." Wouldn't you know in your gut that such a president has abused his office? That he'd betrayed the national interest, and that he was trying to corrupt the electoral process? I believe the evidentiary record shows wrongful acts on those scale here. (Professor Pamela Karlan's testimony)
And this from Adam Schiff:
In fairness to Trump he isn't asking Governors to investigate his political rival. He just wants them to "appreciate" him, meaning they are required to extoll his virtues in public in order to get the federal aid they need to save people's lives.

Why? So he can use their coerced words in ads like these:

He extorted the president of Ukraine into publicly declaring an investigation into his political rival in exchange for badly needed military aid. Now he is extorting American governors into publicly singing his praises in exchange for badly needed medical aid for their dying citizens — so he can use them in campaign ads.

This is what he does. It is who he is. If people cannot see that the man is corrupt all the way down to the blackened void where his soul should be, we won't survive this.

US              CASES   DEATHS
March 15        7,473      115      (  737 new cases and  11 new deaths)
March 16        8,210      126      (  983 new cases and  18 new deaths)
March 17        9,193      144      ( 1748 new cases and  23 new deaths)
March 18       10,941      167      ( 2848 new cases and  41 new deaths)
March 19       13,789      208      ( 4530 new cases and  58 new deaths)
March 20       19,383      266      ( 5594 new cases and  49 new deaths)
March 21       24,207      312      ( 4824 new cases and  46 new deaths)
March 22       33,546      429      ( 9339 new cases and 117 new deaths)
March 23       43,714      569      (10168 new cases and 140 new deaths)
March 24       54,803      794      (11089 new cases and 225 new deaths)
March 25       68,158    1,041      (13355 new cases and 247 new deaths)
March 26       85,382    1,309      (17224 new cases and 268 new deaths)
March 27      104,073    1,710      (18691 new cases and 401 new deaths)
March 28      125,485    2,225      (19452 new cases and 525 new deaths)
March 29      145,398    2,588      (19913 new cases and 363 new deaths)
March 30      165,751    3,161      (20353 new cases and 573 new deaths)
March 31                            (21482 new cases and 638 new deaths as of 21:37 GMT)
March 25 - US sets a record for most new cases in a country a single day
March 26 - US breaks the one-day record it set yesterday
March 27 - US breaks the one-day record for the third consecutive day
March 28 - US breaks the one-day record for the fourth consecutive day
March 29 - US breaks the one-day record for the fifth consecutive day
March 30 - US breaks the one-day record for the sixth consecutive day
March 31 - US breaks the one-day record for the seventh consecutive day

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