Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dying Is One Of The More Unpleasant Things, Possibly the Most Unpleasant, Really ... Most People Don't Know That

Donald Trump, March 29, 2020:
I wish we could have our old life back. We had the greatest economy that we've ever had, and we didn't have death. We didn't have this. We didn't have this horrible scourge, this plague — you can call it whatever you want. The virus. ... [The media] should be fair because ... this is about death. ...

Unfortunately, the enemy is death. It's death. A lot of people are dying, so it's very unpleasant. It's a very unpleasant thing to go through. But the level of competence, the level of caring, the level of love, I — I just think it's brilliant, and it's possibly happening in other countries. Possibly. I don't know. ... Thank you very much.

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