Sunday, March 22, 2020

Last Sunday, US Had 737 New Covid-19 Cases. Today: Nearly 10,000 New Cases.

The number of new confirmed Covid-19 cases in the United States is growing at a faster rate than any other country in the world.

The number of US cases has almost doubled in the last three days. At the same time, Donald Trump is admitting, in public, that his administration is actively refusing to take aggressive action in getting more medical supplies to hospitals and other health-care facilities.

The number of confirmed US cases increased approximately 450% in the last week.
                CASES    DEATHS
March 15        7,473      115        ( 737 new cases and  11 new deaths)
March 16        8,210      126        ( 983 new cases and  18 new deaths)
March 17        9,193      144        (1748 new cases and  23 new deaths)
March 18       10,941      167        (2848 new cases and  41 new deaths)
March 19       13,789      208        (4530 new cases and  58 new deaths)
March 20       19,383      266        (5594 new cases and  49 new deaths)
March 21       24,207      312        (4824 new cases and  46 new deaths)
March 22       33,546      429        (9339 new cases and 117 new deaths)

Last Sunday saw 737 new cases. This Sunday, the number of new cases was nearly 10,000, an increase of approximately 1,100%. The number of new confirmed cases every day in the US is pretty much a vertical line.

Donald Trump refuses to invoke the Defense Production Act, despite desperate pleas from many state governors, because he says acting like Venezuela is "not a good concept". ... Of course, dying of a preventable disease virus is also something many Americans would consider not a good concept. As long as Orange Foolius is safe and his poll numbers stay up, that's all that really matters. ...

Venezuela (3 cases per 1,000,000 people) has had only 77 total cases and no deaths. The US (106 cases per 1,000,000 people) had 9,339 new cases and 117 deaths yesterday, so I'll bet some of those 9,339 new cases would like a little Venezuelian medical care.

Eric Boehlert, Press Run:
We're Still Waiting For "Trump Lies About Pandemic" Headlines
Just Tell The Truth

Trump's lying about the global pandemic continues nonstop. At each White House daily briefing, he unfurls a multitude of falsehoods about the virus, the government's response, and his own previous comments on the crisis. We've never seen anything like this before from an American president during a time of national peril. ...

Yet where are the "Trump Lies About Pandemic" headlines, which would be completely accurate statements for news outlets to make without apology? Why don't we see them and hear them? ...

[The] press' refusal for years to label Trump a liar has not only been morally indefensible, but dangerous for the country. ...

In none of the recent White House press briefings on the pandemic has a single person asked Trump, "Why did you lie about Google having 1,700 engineers working on a coronavirus project for the government?" "Why did you lie when you said whoever wanted to get tested, could get tested?" "Why did you lie when you said the virus had been contained?" "Why did you lie about invoking the Defense Production Act?”

We've seen this pattern for years ... he's constantly untruthful, there's an occasional effort to fact check the torrent of falsehoods, and that's it. There's never any long-term follow-up or implications for Trump. He lies with impunity because the press doesn't hold him accountable ...

Trump spouts falsehoods, reporters express befuddlement, and then Trump starts telling new lies. Wash, rinse, repeat. ...

"Trump Lies About Pandemic" is what honest and accurate news organizations would be reporting right now.

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