Monday, March 23, 2020

It's Now At 148 Foreign Countries. You Talk About A Violent Spread … Everybody Knows Hanes—Great Consumer Cotton Products … I Was A Successful Person When I Was Elected ... They're Making Hand Sanitizer—And At A Very High Level Too ... There's Never Been A Thing Like This In The History Of The World … They Write Inaccurately About Me Every Single Hour … A Lot Of Things Have Happened That Are Very Good ... They Aim A Thermometer At Your Forehead, Boom, I've Never Seen That Before ... A Ventilator Is A Machine ... Nobody Has Ever Heard Of A Thing Like This ... I've Learned A Lot

How anyone can listen to (or read) this sociopath's grade-school-level ramblings and feel anything but helplessness and terror at what's up ahead on the road is beyond me.

Reading: "Mr. Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has thrown out the established government plan for dealing with pandemics, after concluding it was insufficient" doesn't help, either.

Donald "TL;DR" Trump, March 21, 2020:
It's now at 148 foreign countries. Can you believe that? You talk about a violent spread. ... Yesterday, I had a call with 12,000 small businesses — That's the engine of our country. People don't realize that. ... Nobody has ever done what we've done. ... The business roundtable, which was fully attended and it's all of the top CEOs of our country and beyond, frankly — the businessmen of — really, these a world — world-styled businessmen. They — their businesses have been — have been great. They continue to do very well.

Walmart - they're doing incredibly. A lot of things have happened that are very good. Hanes — everybody knows Hanes; great company, great consumer cotton products ... making a tremendous amount of hand sanitizer — at a very high level too, by the way. ... Telehealth — the ones that are using it are loving it.

We will be successful — very successful — hopefully very much sooner than people would even think. ... We're going to be celebrating a great victory in the not-too-distant future. ... So there's never been a thing like this in the history of the world. ... The problem is exactly what we know: the medical problem. ... So we're doing a package, the likes of which nobody has ever done before. ...

So many administrations preceded me. For the most part, they did very little ... This is unprecedented. ... This is unprecedented or just about unprecedented. ...It's really at a level that nobody would've believed. Nobody would've thought possible that this could happen. ... The fact is that we are doing a tremendous amount. ... It's unprecedented what we've done ... Nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen. ... [Y]ou think, in a modern age, a thing like that could never happen. Well, it comes back. It is genius. It comes back. And it's too bad. ... I have hotels. I was a successful person when I got elected. ... Tony mentions thermometers, they aim something at your forehead, they stay this far away, boom, and they tell you what your temperature is. I've never seen that before. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot. ...

The Washington Post covers us very inaccurately, covers me very inaccurately. I saw the story. It's a disgrace. But it's the Washington Post and I guess we have to live with it. It's a very ... It's a very inaccurate — quiet, quiet. It's a very inaccurate story. It's terrible when people write inaccurately about you. And they write inaccurately about me every single day, every single hour. It's so insulting when they write phony stories that they know are fake news. ... [H]ey, look, I was called "xenophobic" by Sleepy Joe Biden. I was called a "racist" by Democrats. A racist. ... I didn't act late; I acted early. I acted far before anybody thought I should be. ...

Well, there's never been numbers like this. You know, a ventilator is a machine. ... [N]obody has ever heard of a thing like this. ... Nobody has ever heard of a thing like that. ... [T]o think of these numbers, it's pretty — it's pretty mindboggling.

1 comment:

  1. Digby: "His explanation of why he's refusing to deploy the DPA says it all. The companies didn't want it. Why? They want to make profits on this and they are bidding up the price. And nobody is in charge of distribution so nobody knows where these supplies need to go. Heckuva job Trumpie"

    Gustavo: "These people are running an economic experiment to show that corporations that have only focused on profit maximization and RoE for decades can do something of service for society as whole. At a time we need the full force of government addressing the problem."

    Me: Trump is worried that the cure may be worse than the problem, so he's gonna wait 15 days before making any decision on what to do. For Fucking Real. IN ALL CAPS.
