Tuesday, August 30, 2022

MAGA Mnemonics

A few Twitter comments:
They're literally doing what 1st grade teachers do to make it easier for kids to understand simple things.

But those usually make more sense

This is going to be too complicated for their followers.

Like his simple-minded viewers will remember this? I can picture them all furiously grabbing their crayons to take notes.

A republican candidate is going to say this in a debate and no normal people will have any idea what they're talking about.

Same energy:

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't it be Greg Kelly points ?

    Today we shall learn Tronald Dump's Bible of Grievances ....... personally think that is way way too long - how do they think those that struggle with 4 letters are going to manage 16 ....... or maybe more in the future ?

    Might we see a 5000 word essay soon ?

    That'd be 2 letters, the first of which is N .....
